Chapter 19: The Last Rescue

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Did I feel betrayed? A little. It's not as if I knew Alec. He was just Gale's annoying assistant. There was bound to be a traitor in that huge underground district. I guess I had just not expected someone so high up.

But betrayal is nothing compared to the dread that consumes me. We had all noticed a far greater problem the second the hovercraft doors had shut. Samantha is not here. None of the families are here. Not only had we been betrayed, but tricked as well, and now we are headed back into those horrid Games again, all the while our families lie hidden somewhere in the Capitol, scared and alone and still very much in belief that we are dead. Soon they will be right. 

This is exactly what I should have expected.

They had placed us all in different cell rooms down different hallways. Each were sealed with thick clear glass, most likely sound proof, as it was silent except for the sound of my own erratic breathing. Hours go by. Horrible, silent hours.

The agonising silence is suddenly broken with a name, my name.

"Athena? Athena respond!" I look frantically around for the source, but find nothing. Just me, alone and betrayed by my mind as well.

"Athena, it's Carver. I'm using the comunicuff." I look down at my arm.

Oh yeah. I'm the human walkie-talkie now.

"Oh! I'm here!" I respond with a whisper.

"We got word that the families were not on board. We should never have been so feeble minded to believe that they would actually exchange them." A static sigh. "Thank God no one was hurt during Alec's little stunt. Finnick's getting patched up as we speak." A small pause. "I'm here."


"I'm here. To break you all out."

"How?" I ask, my voice laced with doubt.

"Look up."

My eyes shoot up and see Carver standing on the other side if the glass, grinning.

The expression on my face must have been pretty amusing to him, as he begins to laugh. I look past him a bit, seeing the peacekeeper unconscious on the floor.

"How the-? You know what, nevermind. How do you plan on getting me out of here? This glass it almost two inches thick."

"Did you really think I came unprepared?"

"Well last time-"

"Shutup. Anyway, come up to the glass."

I do as he says, my face centimetres away from the transparent cell wall, his face the same on the opposite side. Had the glass not been there, our faces would be uncomfortably close. It would look...romantic.

He raises his hand pressing his thumb to the glass, and looks to me, his eyes pleading me to mirror his movements. Confused for only a moment, I do as he does, and look back up to him.

His static voice rings clear. "Now concentrate, press the glass hard, and follow my motions," he finishes, gesturing a manhole sized circle around the glass.

I scowl, but I keep my concentration as I close my eyes and copy his motions.


"Jesus!" Carver exclaims.

I open my eyes and see a red beam pulsing from my finger. A large glass rings clamours to the floor steaming slightly, the smell of smoke heavy in the air, and the lazer continues to pulse, hence the General's gasp. I flex my thumb slightly, and the beam dies, and I emerge from my cell.

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