Chapter 20: Alone and Afraid

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Trying to go to sleep was impossible. Gimpy above me wouldn't stop making insubordinate sobbing noises, her metal arm clattering against the sides of the bed as she twisted and curled amongst the covers, wincing and moaning in her sleep.

 Honestly, she needs get over it. I'm not even sure who she wanted back so badly, but they couldn't be that important. I wanted to shove a rag in her mouth so I could get some sleep, but that new arm of hers made me uneasy. I saw her burn a hole through a guy with a simple flick of a wrist. I'm sure I could take her out anyway, but I am far too tired and uncaring to bother.

 I finally give up and make my way to Cato's room. Hopefully Neanderthal is a heavy sleeper. Maybe I'll be lucky and find that he has gone over to Clove's room for tonight. Do they do that? I don't really know if they're sleeping together yet, or at all. Hm. Shame.The only time the kid might ever get laid, and it's got to be with that whore. Oh well.

 I tentatively open the door, greeted only by the rattling of snores and coos of breaths.

"Cay? Baby, you awake?" I hear no answer, so I tiptoe over to his bed, dipping under the covers and lying next to him. I rest my head on his warm chest, but something is wrong. His heart flutters viciously, his chest rises and falls in short randoms bursts.

I sit up and slightly shake him. "Cato? Cato wake up! What's wrong?" I see his eyes open, the faint light of the room illuminating a few wet stripes on his cheeks. He's been crying in his sleep.

"Wh-who's there?" He squints his puffy eyes. "Oh, it's you." Something in his face bothers me. Disappointment? No, it's dark, he's probably just having a bad dream.

"Of course it's me-"

 "Look, Eleanor, not tonight. I've had a long day and-" he doesn't finish, his voice sounds like it's about to crack.

"Why are you so upset? Come on, let me help you feel better." I lean in for a kiss, but he pulls away.

 "Why am I ups-?" He sits up and suddenly explodes with emotion.

"My family is locked away, rotting in a goddamn cell in the Capitol. Bonnie is probably terrified, because the scariest thing she has ever seen is a dead butterfly. Not to mention the fact that they could all probably be dead and never know that I'm still alive." He inhales, trying to catch his breath. "So maybe that's why I'm upset." He stares at me, his face smoldering.

I sit, completely taken aback. I have never seen him so upset before.

"Cato, I-I am so sorry, I just... I want to help you.We will get your family back Cato, everything will be okay." I touch his cheek, but he turns his head as though the touch burns his cheek.

 "No, everything will not be okay! I just saw Carver get shot and-" his voice cracks again as tears leak out of his eyes. "Clove must be sick to her stomach. I-I can't even..."

Seriously? You are still hung up on that little bitch?

"Clove has Marvel's pathetic shoulder to cry on.You can have mine if you want. Clove deserved what she got if you ask me."

Apparently I said the wrong thing, for I look up, and see the revulsion in Cato's eyes. It is beyond detestment, anger. It is outrageous, pure, impenetrable disgust.

"How can you possibly say that?" he snarls. "Please, just leave me alone. I can't possibly expect you to understand." He lies back down and turns away from me.

A numb shock fills me as I stand, shuffling my feet from his bed to the door so as not to wake an eerily silent Marvel, and walk back to my room. I sit on the edge of my bed as rejection sinks in. Cato had never treated me that way before. But something more bothers me. Everyone seems to be completely devastated, but I'm not. Everyone has someone they need back in their lives and I don't. 

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