Chapter 28: The Little Bird

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"It's so dark," Rue quietly chirps. I tighten my grip on her hand, cursing myself again for allowing them to bring her here. I should have fought harder, but I know what they would have done.They would have made her come anyway.

Her, Peeta, and myself find ourselves stumbling about in the blackness of abandoned buildings with our troop.We had been separated off from the main hull of the south division; a large portion of those troops were sent to destroy various structures of power throughout the city, which I personally see no point to.Why destroy the edifices of the Capitol? They never bore us harm.The people that live inside them, however, we should be taking care of them.The killers, the ignorant fools who cheered on our slaughter. But I look upon the buildings with contempt, and I think I understand.The image the bear is that of the Capitol's; it reminds me that they live in opulence while the rest of us have lived in crushing poverty for years.They remind me of blind people, ignorant citizens, bloodthirsty civilians. So when I hear the explosions, I think a part of me understands. But still, what a waste of such beautiful buildings.What a waste.

Most of the buildings had been evacuated before our arrival, leaving most vacant with the exception of Peacekeepers. It seems to me that every Peacekeeper in occupation had been deployed, and had completely abandoned the citizens, and had taken rather to protecting themselves and places of importance.We had not met any yet, which almost scares me more than having fought them down.

"Exit sighted, Sir," one of the soldiers traveling with us informs, though how he sees anything is a mystery. Our troop was small: the three tributes, two soldiers, and a commanding officer who we referred to only as "Sir".

Sir huffs. "Well then, get us out, Gamble."

The boy, I assume Gamble, fiddles a bit, and with a sudden puff a cloud of dust encircles us as the boy props open the door, flooding us with milky moonlight. I get my first real look at the soldier as he kicks through the door ahead. I want to vomit. He's Rue's age. Maybe younger.

The soldier that follows him out is nearly identical to him, and the same age. I assume they are brothers, probably twins, both rather handsome in that prepubescent TV-star way. Both far too young to be leading a troop into battle.

"Where are we?" Rue quietly coos.

"Snow's mansion," Sir grunts. He pushes past the boys with ease and into an eerie dining room. The table is set, there is a plate of food on one end, still steaming hot as though it's owners left with very, very sudden urgency.

The rest of us immediately tense up. Our hands fly to our weapons, our senses tingle. Peeta is the first to speak up. "We have to get out of here. They'll be loads of traps and peacekeepers and-"

"No one is here, Private," Sir barks. "Snow left. He'd be fool to stay here, anyway." Sir rushes over to the cabinets, and I see what he sees. It is a display shelf, stuffed full with the most expensive-looking jewels and gems I have ever seen. Sir smashes the cabinets open, making a sound so loud I am sure we will be caught.

"What are you doing!" the other soldier cries.

Sir turns to him. "What does it look like I am doing? I'm taking as much loot as I can."

"Isn't that kind of wrong?" the boy asks.

Sir looks at him condescendingly. "Lot,"-I assume this is his name-" I have four children and a wife to take care of when this is over. I'll be damned if I don't' go back to them a rich man. Plus, I think it's only fair Snow's place be shown all the decency it's inhabiter has shown us. Don't you agree?"

We all get the message by then: Ransack the place.Take what you want, and leave everything else in ruins. Give Snow nothing to come back to.

It surprises me how comfortable I am with this. My pockets near full of valuables, Rue and I make our way further upstairs, smashing through windows and paintings. I think of Prim, how rich we will be with these things after the war. No more praying that a dear happen to show up in the woods so we don't starve.We will be able to eat for years to come.

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