Chapter 14: Homecoming

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    Peeta is sure to hold my hand as he takes me into the hospital ward. Under normal circumstances, the gesture would unsettle me a little, but today, I am grateful for his strength and reassurance. They had allowed us to skip our first hour of training to visit, so we are sure to arrive early, in hopes of utilizing every moment.  He pushes open the door and lets me through. And there she is, eyes big and bright; cocooned in the the white cotton of the hospital blanket, a rather large wrap strung from one shoulder down to over her heart and finishing around her middle. The second she spies the two of us, a smile as white as clouds bursts from behind her full lips. A single small hand extends outward to mine.

    "Katniss!" Rue shrieks.

    I leave Peeta behind, running to the girl and taking her fragile fingers and intertwining them through mine. The doctors had alerted us to her brittle state; her wounds were still healing, but she should back with us soon enough. She looks definitely stronger now. I can see it in her big bright eyes. 

    "How are you feeling?" I ask as I begin to pet her hair. For a child I knew little about, I feel strangely familiar with her. She reminds me of Prim in some way.

    She smiles that familiar glowing grin. "Well, you're alive, Peeta's alive, and I'm alive, and technically, at least two of us should be dead, so I would say pretty good." She grins at her joke, and continues on. "But really, I'm doing a lot better. I know that I can get better, I'll try really hard." And suddenly she remembers. Her sweet smile fades to the dark crease of a worried frown. "Katniss, what about....the others?"

    In the games, Rue had been terrified of the Careers. Rightfully so. They had all been lustfully out for blood, with no intention of sparing anyone, even Rue. She had expressed her concern about them multiple times. I had promised her. No one will ever touch you, Rue. I'll kill them if they even try. I am not about to break that promise.

    "They're here. The people of District 13 helped save us. All of us. But don't worry, Rue. I won't let them lay a finger on you. And if they try, Peeta and I will take care of them."

    She smiles again, and looks past me to Peeta and grins. "Thank you for saving me."

    "Saving you?" Peeta chimes, moving over to my side and next to her. He puts one hand on her arm, the other on my back. "Rue, you saved me. You jumped out in front of that mutt to protect me. If you hadn't of done that, I would probably be dead."

    Her dark cheeks flush, and she giggles before releasing a big yawn. After batting her eyelashes sleepily, she turns back to me. "Katniss, will you stay until I fall asleep?"

    I smile. "Of course."

    She grins and rolls over onto her side to face Peeta and I, and closes her doe eyes. Before I can stop myself, the sweet little melody is already leaving my lips, churning in my throat softly like a babbling brook. It's been a long time since I had last heard it. It's a wonder I still remember how it goes.

    "Deep in the meadow...Under the willow...A bed of grass...A soft green pillow..."

     After a few minutes, the steady sounds of her dream-inebriated sleep tells me she is out. Her medicine dosage is still very strong, so I know she will sleep easily and soundly. I stand up and look back at the sleeping girl one last time before shuffling out into the hall, the quiet taps of Peeta's footsteps lingering behind.

    Before we are even halfway out of the room I hear his melodic voice chime. "'re baffling."

    I turn to face him. Baffling? What is that supposed to mean. "What?"

A Whole New Game: A Hunger Games StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin