#4 - Doubt

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So ... a lot has happened: meeting old friends who are now in love couples, and some of them have children as well. Bolin and Opal eagerly awaited my reaction when they admitted to me that their two-year-old son Jinn was a double bender, and that he was simultaneously handling the elements of earth and wind.

- Cool! - I said.

We haven't talked about it further, but it's strange that lately more and more such children are being born. When will the first triple bender be born or ...

No, I'm not going to think about that for now.

After walking around the city and reminiscing about the good old days, I return to my Asami. I fly on a air-glider stick towards her residence in the early evening.

Many spirit-inhabitants of our world fly with me and greet me with pleasant sounds, smells and colors.

I laugh, in a great mood. At least one day (today) that there was no need for the avatar to solve the problem between the human inhabitant and the spirit-creatures. Not bad. The balance between our worlds is slowly being increased, little by little.

And me and Asami? I have the impression that our relationship is not as good as we both wish, but why? I don't know why I thought that, probably a hunch.

I go down to the balcony and enter our (her) residence.

- Hey beautiful! How was the business meeting? - I asked and kissed her well.
- Hard and stressful, but I successfully turned all the troubles in my favor.
- Well done. I never doubted...

We look at each other for a few moments and realize it's the right moment. With hungry kisses, we connect like magnets as we undress each other's clothes. We soon indulge in passions, amplified by my avatar powers (the wind cools us while I massage her back with water) and Asami's preferences (an electric glove with a current of mild (!) intensity shocks me every few minutes.

It's perfect! As always. Who dominates? Hard to say, we are both on top of each other and below each other. And we adore wild sex. Slaps fall, we lick ourselves a lot, and kiss all possible limbs and body parts ...

At one point, Asami stimulates my femininity with a glove current to the point that I completely surrender and passionately scream (and she to me😊).

But something is different. I don't know how, but I just know. She slept with a man today. Is she cheating on me? Consciously? Or was it just once and by accident?

Asami later sleeps a deep sleep after a hard day, and I spend the evening devouring snacks and recording my thoughts in a diary.

Hm. I am thoughtful and confused. Who are you cheating on me with, beautiful? Because my curiosity suddenly doesn't give me peace! How about I cheat on her? Would my dear Asa even notice that?

No, I shake all those thoughts out of my head. No, I will ask her if she did it and why. And is it real love or just sex? But I don't that I'll be alright with it if it's just sex.


I can't fall asleep later despite the decision not to brainstorm about it. I go to the toilet and see my own face with red and white eyes again.

- Raava? - I asked, as if hearing a distant answer.

And then ... Vaatu's recognizable voice tells me:

- You know who she's cheating you with. It can't be anyone else.
- Yeah. I think we finally agree on something.

And without thinking, I leave the residence and fly towards the city. Without a stick-glider, already in the wind of my avatar-ish anger and rage ...

I have no idea what I will do to him when I see him. Especially if he's guilty.😤

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