#6 - Q & A

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Asami woke up to a call from her prototype portable radio phone.

And she knew immediately that something serious was happening.

How? Korra wasn't around, and that's not typical of her. She began to worry.

- Asami ... Korra is here - Mako said softly on the phone.

- Korra? At your place? How? Why?

- She figured us out. But it doesn't matter now.

- Oh? And what does matter?

- She's not feeling well. So come here, please.

- Aw! I'll be right there, in a half an hour!

- And watch how you drive!

- Of course.

Great. And she was just starting to have sweet dreams.

She dressed in a hurry and set off. And as much as she wanted to get to Mako's apartment as soon as possible, she forced herself to drive slowly. A smart decision for several reasons: she was still tumultuous and distracted, excited, worried, and it wouldn't benefit her if the night services noticed her rushing through the streets of Republic City.

The only thing that calmed her in those nocturnal, quiet moments were the ghosts of different shapes and colors that floated leisurely through their city. Korra will be fine, she hoped and continued. And will she forgive her for her unfidelity? No, she didn't want to think about it, because it didn't matter at the moment.


- How is she? - Asami asked anxiously from the doorway.

- She's not feeling well - Mako said, and kissed her quickly.

But while he was still saying that, Korra walked past them, sour-faced and half-awake, and she went to the toilet and vomited.

Mako shrugged.

- This is the tenth time. I hope she gets better soon.

- Yeah ... so now we're both here to nurture her.

- Oh, please. I'll be fine without your help ... just a little longer ...

She muttered to herself in her chin until she went back to her bed. There she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Mako shook his head.

- She's not just sick. I have the impression that when she falls asleep she is transferred to Spirit-World.

- Really? And she didn't say anything she found out there?

Mako shook his head sharply and Asami sighed. This is going to be a long night.


Korra listened to Rava's words very carefully. More precisely, as carefully as she could muster the strength because she had to go to the toilet every now and then and therefore interrupt their session in Spirit-World.

In any case, Raava made it clear to her. This time she addressed her in human form in Spirit-World, not in reality inside Korra's body, because she had already tried several times and failed (those situations where Korra looked in the mirrors and saw a strange reflection in her eyes).

After all, their connection is stronger in the realm of spirits. Korra understood, but every now and then she would have to go back to her physical body and go to the bathroom. She was truly out of balance, both mentally and physically. And deconcentrated and tired and sleepy ...

But Raava was patient and full of explanations.

- Korra. Obviously, you are out of balance, which is clear to you as well. To fix that, you need to do a few things.

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