#7 - Writing bussiness

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Tenzin smiled. In front of him lay a difficult but satisfying job.

Completing the series about the epic adventures of his father, Aang. And he knew he was doing well.

After the series about Korra, with which he achieved worldwide success and greatly raised the respect of all nations towards the young determined avatar, he decided to do the same for the avatar before her.

For Aang and his company of friends definitely deserved several books in their glory and honor.

Tenzin was many things in life: spirit-monk, father, mentor, educator, air-bender and son of avatar Aang, but until a year ago, he was not a writer.

And he never even thought he would become. But as in everything in life, he tackled that challenge as well, and it wasn't out of a sense of boredom and leisureness but of responsibility.

Yes, responsibility. It is something most important of all that has ever shaped and guided him in life: a sense of responsibility.

And that is why he did not give up in the face of the challenges of writing that lay before him. One by one he overcame them. At first, he intended to shape the adventures of young Korra and her friends from their perspective, because before writing, he interviewed them in detail and collected data from their perspective. But over time, he realized that his perspective was also very much needed. Because he himself was partly involved in these events.

He sighed. And so his intention to write "archival material" that records significant events that the current avatar marked the world became the desire and obsession of many to read and devour the "adventures, journeys and epic fantastic experiences" of avatar Korra and her friends. He was not too proud of the fact that he had given in to the whole world and appeased their desire. But on the other hand, that fact motivated him because it spoke to his ability to write quality and quantity. Because if he was a weak writer, rarely would anyone care what he wrote, right? And that is why he strived for further advancement and improvement of his own skills. Descriptions of the environment, the psychology of people and spirits, the events that took place ... he simply became the master, all along the way.

- Tenzin? - a familiar voice came from behind him. Pema, his wife. She looked at him slightly.

- Yes, love?

- You work too much on your books. Go get some rest.

- Yes ... just one more chapter. I am just describing one of the key conflicts that marked my father's path.

- You know ... before you started this, I didn't think you'd become who you are.

- Avatar chronicler?

- Incredibly good writer! I can't stop reading over and over again some of the chapters on the first book about Korra. I mean ... really! And the same goes for our children; Milo, Jinora and Ikki ...

- Pema, I know how much you all love my books about Korra, but that was never my intention.

- Yes, yes, you record avatar adventures so that the world can remember them and learn from their mistakes. I'm not mistaken when I assume you came up with that idea on the day the avatar cycle nearly broke and Korra was left with no connection to previous avatars?

- Hm. I guess, although I'm not sure myself. The dear girl survived a bunch of troubles and enemies who wanted to kill her, poison her and completely disable her. Unalaq did her great harm by severing her connection with previous avatars, but Zaheer's plan to kill her in an avatar state and thus break the cycle of reincarnation of subsequent avatars was even more dangerous. And almost successful.

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