#8 - Dinner

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- Avatar Korra.

- Statesman Zaheer.

There was a long and awkward silence between them ... unnoticeable in the entire restaurant around them, buzzing with energy and loud conversation.

Zaheer, always in his simple and distinctive gray-brown suit, just nodded slightly in Korra's direction.

She returned one "hmpf", at the same time feeling ridiculously immature. She folded her arms defensively and stared off into the distance, unsure of what to expect from him.

- What would you order tonight, dear guests? - asked an excellent restaurant employee, all in the traditional colors of her region. Zaheer looked at her slightly.

- Dumplings with spinach in dill and garlic sauce, please. And air nomadic wine, if you have it.

- Of course we have. It arrives in a few minutes. And for you, esteemed avatar?

- Nothing, thanks.

The woman was a little surprised, not expecting that answer, so she readily added.

- If you can't decide, it's not a problem. The restaurant will be happy to give you a few meals at the expense of the house ...

- Well, whatever.

- Um ... so, you agree? - the woman said, completely confused, and Korra just rolled her eyes. Zaheer jumped in.

- The avatar had a hard day. I'm sure there won't be a problem with any dish you choose for her.

- Oh, great. We are glad to have so many famous guests! - the clerk tweeted contentedly and left with great relief. She was obviously new at work and not used to dealing with such unexpected verbal entanglements.

When she left, Korra smiled bitterly.

- You know I don't plan to eat food just in case ...

- If I hadn't planned to poison you in advance, I understand.

- Won't you at least deny it? - she asked.

- Why? Do I plan to poison you tonight? No, I do not. But you wouldn't believe me if I say it. So, if you're so distrustful, enjoy that feeling.

- Hm. It's not that I'm amused by such assumptions.

- If you say so...

He fell silent, staring off into the distance, like her a moment ago, but his mind must have been busy with many stuff that he was planning to tell her.

It's time to find out a little bit more, Korra thought.

- Well, Statesman Zaheer? What are your political and economic plans for Earth Nation? I mean, you certainly have them at your fingertipa after they elected you as their king.

- Ha, king. A governor, a statesman, a national administrator ... the truth is that I now have the power to be in the politician category I once fought against.

- Yes, ironic, isn't it?

- And I'll be better than anyone who could be in my place.

- Or worse?

- Well, you'll see, avatar. You know me so you can guess what I'll be like ...

- Dangerous?

- Relentless towards injustice, proactive towards welfare for all. Anti-corrupt, ambitious and ...

- Anarchoid?

- Purposeful.

- Yes. It sounds nice, but we'll see what comes of it all. But you know, I'll be ready ...

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