#10 - The Final Lesson

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Peace. Stillness. Meditation. I was immersed in it, though not completely. Zaheer in front of me made me nervous and on the needles even now, when he proved to be a quality mentor. That day we were just nearing the end of my learning of the technique of being one with the wind by Guru Laghima.

- Breathe in. Exhale. And empty your mind of all thoughts.

- I am trying.

- You can do it, Korra.

- Yeah ...

- All right, enough for today. And now, for the end of today's training, attack me as we agreed.

I smiled, pleased that the meditation was over.

I went on the attack, fiercely, angrily, furiously, but also empowered by a technique, discipline and understanding I had not had before.

Surprisingly, Zaheer did not defend himself.

A moment later I "connected" him to the ground and pressed the chakra dots on his body, and stood up.

He was a little out of breath, and with a slight smile.

- Congratulations, Korra. For the first time ever, you successfully chi-blocked me.

- I really did.

- And it will be a few days before my bending powers return ...

He paused and a knowing smile spread across his face.

- Unless I do ... this.

He made a few light and short gestures with his fingers, something like a miniature meditation, and the wind blew from somewhere. Some more skill of Guru Laghima, I guessed.

He then snapped his fingers and a miniature hurricane started swirling in his palm.

I stared, really surprised.

- How? But chi-blocking ...

- It works, as does chi-counter-blocking. For now, it's important to know that there's always more you can learn from me. Some other time.

He bowed to me and left the chambers. I relaxed. At this city hotel, upstairs for me, I felt really weird. Perhaps that's what it means being an avatar that outgrows its previous conflicts and the events that shaped it. The challenges continue, not necessarily in the form of conflicts with villains but also in the form of life insights that make a person calmer, wiser and more thoughtful.

And I, at least everyone knows that about me, as I do, I've never been very thoughtful. Most often accelerated and reactive, and always supported those in need. But I would say, as always in life, there is room for improvement for me too.

There is a knock on the door. Speaking of improvement ...

- Forward! - I say and the door opens. On them is that young man who is ... like me. Avatar of the opposite inclination. But he's not a bad boy, I have to admit that. I mean, he's a real handsome young man, he's already sixteen.

- Hello, dear teacher Korra. I hope you are ready for our training - he said officially and cautiously, as always.

- Oh, I'm ready. Even if I was very tired, I would gladly embark on our training.

- I understand. I'm ready too.

I roll my eyes. The boy blushes and stammers. He obviously fell in love with me which is not at all strange, when I am so beautiful, handsome and powerful. But I have to let him know that I don't share his feelings.

- You like me very, very much, don't you?

- I beg your pardon?

- Oh, don't deny it. I see the way you look at me. No wonder you have such feelings and inclinations after our joint avatar exercises and sessions. But just so you know, I'm in a relationship, busy and I really love my great love and sympathy. So...

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