Epilogue - 6 Years Later

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At dawn, on the balcony of Asami's residence, Korra bursted with energy as Asami, still furious, barely followed her, nibbling on tea cookies and sipping coffee.

- I've never sleep-walked before, Asami - Korra said, and Asami listened seriously as she nibbled on her tea cookies.

She didn't even try to persuade her to eat anything until she was done with talking.  Korra experienced her mystical experiences very awake and nothing should disturb her as she recounts them.

- I understand you, my dear - Asami said patiently.

Korra gave her a reproachful look.  She knew Asami didn't like long stories early in the morning.

- In short, I flew.  Using the technique of Guru Laghima, but not in my avatar state.  Up, towards the moon.  I wanted to go there, to step on the surface of that white world.  I wanted...

- Meet the Spirit of the Moon?  - Asami looked at her blankly - you can do that here, in the World of Spirit. Just reach for your spiritual energy and you will succeed.  You know I believe in you.

- Of course I know - Korra said brightly, smiling broadly.  Asami continued calmly:

- You don't have to go up so much.  I guess you regained consciousness when you got too cold and started to run out of air.

- Yes, but I almost made it! - Korra clapped her hands and grinned triumphantly.  Asami looked at her skeptically, then smiled lazily.

- For your information, my company will be able to provide you with just such an experience, without much effort.

- What are you talking about? - Korra said curiously.

- Nothing special.  Well, my business is booming.  Today, I am signing an agreement by which the Nation of Earth and Fire guarantees me a multi-year pooling of funding to develop a program to explore the skies and beyond.

Korra's eyes widened in surprise.

- Exploring the sky and beyond?  Maybe more, to the moon?  But how?  I don't understand your area of expertise, but I would say that there is no device powerful enough and capable of doing so.

- It doesn't exist - Asami agreed, looking away from her, "but it will...soon.  We are working on it and we are doing great.

- Good morning, my beautiful ladies! - Mako greeted them.

Korra and Asami smiled broadly at the scene in front of them.  Mako approached with a little boy who hugged him around the neck.  Another boy and girl walked beside him, rubbing their eyes.

- Come to Mommy, Atlanna and Lokka! - said Korra, and the children rushed into her arms.  The girl Atlanna had a talent for fire, and the son Lokka a talent for water.  She still had to welcome her first child without any bending power.  Maybe next one, she thought, and grinned at Mako, who blushed slightly and quickly began to nibble on the buttered bread.

Asami smiled and with a sly smile turned to his dark-haired son, who possessed the gift of handling the element of air, and was just approaching her with a big smile on his cute face.

- Good morning, mom.

- Hiroshi, good morning to you too!  How do you feel about traveling to the moon and meeting the Spirit of the Moon?

- It doesn't sound bad, Mom, but I'd rather Aunt Korra teach me how to fly Then I could go to the moon alone.

Everyone started laughing and enjoying the family breakfast.

Raava and Vaatu muttered contentedly in her and Korra felt happy.  Rarely so happy.  Of course, the young and handsome Nit also contributed to this, who in the last few years has become a widely respected and quality-made diplomat, and an avatar she could be proud of from the fullness of her heart.

After all the avatar stuff of helping others, challenges, troubles and adventures, she finally succeeded.

She built a life with the two dearest people of her life. Asami and Mako.

Better than she could have ever imagined, let alone hoped for.

- Look, children, what powers your favorite Avatar has! - exclaimed Korra, making a few harmonious movements with her elegant and femininely muscular hands.

Asami and Mako exchanged knowledgeable glances, not at all impressed, as their three children watched in fascination as circles of chocolate topping circled in large ellipses around Korra's head.

Really useful discipline.


Asami and Mako winked, this time ready to ruin her show.

They come closer and kiss passionately.

Chocolate rings fell on surprised Korra and the children around her.

- Hey!  - she rebelled and pointed a finger at them - no kissing at breakfast and in front of the children!

Asami and Mako smiled wickedly and not at all innocently, and their children began to grin from ear to ear.

This was followed by a continuation of the family breakfast with lots of laughter and pleasant conversation.

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