Part three; the third

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Ok, so, that last chapter revealed quite a lot about the further story line, but I love the fact that three chapters in, no one besides me knows why the book's called Panic Room. 

Wednesday; 1998; The white room; Luna; 14:10 pm

Luna dropped the book from her eye and let it fall to the bed, her mouth hanging open. So this was it. Other people knew of her 'powers' and wanted her for their own. These S.N.A.K.E people, whoever they were, wanted to kidnap her and take her to their agency to do something with her. There was a spy at S.P.I.D.E.R and they, whoever they were, was going to try to get to her by next week Wednesday. She closed her mouth with a snap and stood up to pace the room. She could hide, but where? The secret room would, of course, be ideal, but there was no food down there. Now that Luna thought about it, she had never actually checked for food down there, and so she stood up, walked downstairs, and searched the room. 

It wasn't until she got to the desk, that she noticed something that she hadn't before. Underneath, was a small, white, fridge. She opened it and felt her mouth fall open. It was full of fruits and breads. Meats and pastas. It was bursting with all of Luna's favourite foods and even her favourite, treacle tart. She reached in and pulled out handfuls of potatoes and rice, salad and some chicken, and laid it all on the floor next to her. She hurried back upstairs and looked into the room next to the bedroom and found a small kitchen. There was also some food, but it looked much sadder than the food downstairs. She opened a high cupboard and took out a few plates and some glasses, then walked back downstairs and put everything on and inside them. She took some pillows off the bed, and a blanket off the swinging chair, and laid everything out in front of her. This was the most luscious meal that Luna had ever seen, and yet she didn't feel as excited as she normally would have. She was still processing what she had seen inside the book, and what Salron, Nicholas and Abigor had talked about. She could not believe that somebody at S.P.I.D.E.R was passing information to S.N.A.K.E, and maybe even information about her! Luna didn't know many people at S.PI.D.E.R, in fact she knew virtually no one, but she was absolutely sure that it was some sort of serious offence to be giving data to the opposing agency. 

Luna thought about it for a few more moments before putting it aside and starting on her food. After she had eaten her fill, she stacked up the plates and took her orange juice to her bed. She lay down and looked up at the ceiling, feeling at total peace with the world. Luna stood up to turn the lights off, but as she was moving, all of them flicked off at once. She felt her way back to the bed and lay down, staring up at the ceiling again. She now noticed for the first time that it was covered in hundreds of small, glowing dots, that were connected by thin lines. Luna cocked her head to one side, trying to figure out what they were, and realised that they were stars. Hundreds and hundreds of tiny stars, and the lines must be the constellations. She looked up at them for what felt like hours before her eyelids began to droop and she drifted off to sleep. When Luna woke in the morning, it took her a few moments to realize why she felt so nervous, and it was as she was walking out of the door, when she remembered the previous day. She was just going to the swinging chair, when she heard a knocking coming from upstairs. She moved toward the door, when she realised who it must be and halted before the stairs. There was always the chance that it was Oliver, but it could also be the people from S.N.A.K.E. She decided that she would go upstairs and ask who it was, before deciding not to answer it. She walked upstairs as whoever it was knocked again and asked.

"Hello? Who is it?" The knocking stopped and the person on the other side answered.

"Hello, Luna, I'm Abigor. I need to talk to you." Luna covered her mouth with both hands to prevent herself from screaming and forced herself to speak in a calm voice that nevertheless conveyed her fear.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" She asked, and waited in tense silence for his response.

"Listen Luna, I know that you know who I am, and I'm trying to tell you that it's not what you think. Salron and Nicholas may want you but I'm not like that I-" But he was abruptly cut off by footsteps coming closer and closer down a long corridor.

"Ok here's the deal." He whispered much more quietly. "I know that you know that I am from S.N.A.K.E and I know that you think me evil, but I have to warn you Luna. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not here to hurt you, but there are people who are. Listen to me Luna, and listen well. They're coming for you, and if they get you, they will do terrible things to you to try to get you to use your abilities for them. Hide, and don't answer the door for anybody, and I mean anybody Luna. Stay hidden and stay safe." He stopped talking at the same time that the footsteps stopped and spoke in a much happier tone.

"Why hello Nicholas, thank gosh you're here. I was just trying to figure out how to get through this door" Luna heard Nicholas push Abigor aside and begin to pick the lock, and so she turned and ran. She moved as quietly as she could and only when she got back to the secret room, did she breathe freely again.

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