Chapter 16

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"Like this?"

I look up at the question, my mouth spreading into an amused smile once my eyes fall on the boy standing across the kitchen aisle, an intense look of concentration on his face as he stares at the pancake batter he's mixing inside of a big, green, plastic bowl.

His cheeks are mussed with flour and pancake batter, chunks of it even reaching a few strands of hair that keeps falling into his eyes.

Sure, it would have been easier and certainly much quicker if I'd done it myself, but when Leo had asked me if he could make breakfast this morning, a hopeful look on his face, once I finally entered the kitchen, I couldn't help but agree on the spot.

After all, that is what kids were supposed to do, make messes, and it was high time for Leo to be just that, a kid.

"Yes. Stir it for another minute, I think, and then it will be ready."

The boy does, counting to 60 under his breath, as if another second longer than instructed would ruin the pancakes, before presenting the finished batter for me to inspect.

Once we've established that the mix is indeed perfect, I put on some holiday music and then make pancakes while Leo sets up the table for breakfast, the two of us so lost in our actions and goofy dancing that it takes me a few minutes to notice that we are no longer alone in the kitchen which makes me blush furiously.

David stands there, leaning sideways against the doorway, an amused glint in his eyes as he watches the two of us.

"Dad! I made breakfast!" Leo exclaims, abandoning his table duties and running over to his father as soon as he spots him.

"I can see that. It smells wonderful, Leo." he says, ruffling the beaming boy's hair, the softest of smiles on his face as he does so. My heart clenches at the sight of them, my eyes going suspiciously misty, so I quickly turn my back to them, less I embarrass myself and start crying like a baby.

No thank you, I think as I take the last of the pancakes out of the pan; I'm sure that I would never hear the end of it from Leo if I ever did that.

Breakfast done, I realize that I've nothing else to do to escape having to confront the man whose gaze I can already feel on me, so I take a slow breath and then make my way over to the table and take a seat where the father and son are already sitting.

"Bon appetite." I whisper, though judging by the speed at which Leo is already inhaling his food, my statement comes a bit too late.

"Thank you." comes a reply in a smooth, dark voice making my eyes snap up despite myself.

David sits across from me, slowly cutting a small, bite-sized piece of a bacon strip before slowly taking it up to his mouth, his full lips wrapping around the fork, and a moan of pleasure echoing around the room as he does so, his eyes never leaving mine.

I gulp, barely managing not to let out a moan of my own as heat pools steadily at the bottom of my stomach, my eyes glued to those sinful lips as the images of what that same mouth has done to my body the night before flash through my mind.

Some of my tumultuous feelings must show on my face because David smiles, his lips spreading into a wolfish grin, before the man looks away, starting up a conversation with his son, his face a picture of calm and collected as if nothing at all had transpired, as if he hadn't just almost made me come into my pants with merely a look.

I shake my head, looking down at my pancakes, as I try to slow down my heartbeat. I seriously need to get a grip of myself, because this whole thing is starting to get ridiculous. I'm acting like a damned hormonal teenager with a crush, and it's becoming quite sad.

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