Chapter 10

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I stand in front of the house, staring at it as if it's a monster that will swallow me whole if I dare to enter. Every time I try to move, I remember what happened the night before, and something in me clenches at the thought of it, preventing me from going further.

I know that I'm acting ridiculous, after all, we are both adults and if David enjoys those things, that is his business, and it has nothing to do with me. But just the thought of seeing him again and having to look him in the eye makes me want to run to the closest bathroom.

I know that it's stupid and immature, hell, after everything I've gone through and experienced, something like my boss enjoying a bit of BDSM every now and then shouldn't even make me blink twice, and yet, every time I close my eyes, I can't help but imagine the man as he has been the night before; dressed in leather pants and a tight black shirt that hugged his body in ways I don't dare think too long about, looking so very different than in the usual suits he wears.

I shake my head, rolling my eyes at myself. I'm not a child, for fuck's sake, but a grown man, so I better start acting like one seeing as I have a job to do, and no amount of embarrassment is going to keep me away from Leo; the boy is too important.

I take a big breath before entering the house and making my way toward the kitchen from where I can hear voices.

"Morning!" Nancy exclaims as I stop at the threshold, sending a smile my way before turning back to the stove where she's making pancakes.

"Morning." I say, my voice cracking a little once I notice who the other person in the room is. I glance at him and then quickly avert my eyes as they meet with a dark gaze, making me flush bright red, I'm sure of it.

"Leo still asleep?" I ask, deciding to just act as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened, even as the words 'you saw your boss in a kink club' keep repeating in my mind on a loop and making me want to giggle like a fool, which I thankfully don't.

I can feel David's eyes on me, the feel of them making a shiver run down my back, as a memory comes to mind.

I remember the two women up on that stage, but as I think about it, the memory changes, David and me taking their place, making me almost choke on my coffee.

I really need to get a grip, I think as I clear my throat.

"Yes. He is enjoying the opportunity to sleep in now that he's on a school break. He's going to be a nightmare to wake up when the school starts again." Nancy says, shaking her head as she sets a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me.

My mouth starts salivating at the sight of them, as I suddenly realize just how hungry I am, so I dig in, momentarily forgetting everything about the weird situation I've found myself in.

I moan as I take another bite, the taste of blueberries exploding on my tongue, the sound of it quickly followed by a clearing of a throat. My eyes snap open only to almost choke on my food as I swallow.

Mr. Cross is staring at me, his gaze dark and almost hungry as he does so, making shivers run down my back. I want to avert my eyes, the memory of last night weighing heavily on my mind and making me flush in embarrassment, but I can't.

As usual, the older man has me firmly under his spell, the whole world disappearing around us, and the only ones left, the two of us.

"You'll be late if you don't get a move on." Nancy chirps from her place near the stove, and finally, finally, I can breathe again as David looks away, stands up, and walks out of the kitchen soon after.

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