Grahams' Loyalty

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Finally a new chapter. The next one is a long- and thus the last chapter! *sobs*

But as promised, this chapter is full of love between Rabastan and Harry, in short: Porn with a Plot  :P :P


Graham knew he was getting more attention than he deserved. He was only a second-year student, hadn't learned much about magic, and certainly wasn't ready to compete with older students. Calm and calculating, it was striking that he found himself in the company of Slytherin's fifth years more and more since the day he found his voice against Professor Umbridge.

Graham didn't know what had happened to the toad-like professor, but he knew she had been punished for her actions against the Hogwarts students. Punished for her behavior towards Harry Potter. Punished for what she had done to him.

Graham might be a boy of few words, but his eyes were working just fine. Moreover, he had noticed that if you observed closely and were quiet, others took your presence for granted. It was also plausible that if you listed certain facts, you could and should expect a certain outcome. It was precisely what was different, that Graham paid extra attention to.

Harry Potter deviated. From the moment he returned to the big, dark, and sometimes cold castle for his fifth year, he was different from what Graham had expected. In his first year, he had watched the boy bravely struggle through the Triwizard Tournament. He had been loud and brash as a true Gryffindor. When he returned from the third task, he was transformed, more introverted, hardened by Diggory's death. However, he had always remained in the company of his friends; friends he hadn't seen in the current school year. And if they had seen each other it would have ended in evil words and hard actions.

No, it was clear to Graham that Harry Potter deviated from the norm.

However, he had also seen that Harry had compassion for his fellow students. Once he had settled in Slytherin, he had started to blend in with the group. Harry had helped Graham's friends with topics they struggled with; he was especially popular in Defense Against the Dark Arts, which Harry was particularly gifted at.

Harry had cared about people he didn't know. He had wanted nothing in return, but Graham had known that was a lie. Harry wouldn't have been a Slytherin if there had been nothing in return for his lessons and good-heartedness. He might not have said it out loud, but Graham could have inferred it from his actions. Harry only wanted one thing; loyalty.

It was something Graham had in abundance and Harry seemed to him the best person to declare his loyalty. After all, Graham was a Slytherin and knew that an alliance with a merciful, but above all: a powerful wizard, offered advantages that exceeded all disadvantages. That was ultimately the reason he went against Professor Umbridge's will. Harry had earned his loyalty, he stood out from the crowd. He was special.

When he had fallen under the nightmare curse, he had been overwhelmed by negative feelings. He dreamed that Harry had turned against him and that he was the cause of his suffering. He dreamed of glowing snakes biting him over and over and burning his skin.

In that sea of unhappiness, the agony of weariness that overcame him every time he had to sleep, Harry's voice found him. He pulled him out of that turbulent, nasty reality. Harry's touch brought calm and serenity to him. His head no longer hurt and his heart no longer cringed from the squeeze of the curse.

Harry had saved him and Graham was eternally grateful to him for that. He had kept a closer eye on his savior and noticed that there were even more changes than before. Harry wasn't just being watched by Graham. Professor Snape regularly looked at him with a look that reflected concern, but also a sense of pride. These looks were in stark contrast to the eyes of the Headmaster, who was staring suspiciously at the black-haired boy, where he had looked at the green-eyed boy with an almost grandfatherly love just a year before.

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