The Call

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Answers phone
Boden- hello
Antonio- hey chief, it's Antonio Dawson
B- Antonio, I thought you were in Puerto Rico with Gabby?
A- I am, I, Gabby was in an accident
B- what happened? Is she ok?
A- I don't know, it's not good, she's critical but I didn't just call to tell you that
B- what's going on
A- she needs more surgeries, they can't help her here, she's being flown to Med
(I know this isn't realistic but it makes the story work better)
B- Chicago Med?
A- ya, she's coming home. But I can't fly with her, I can't get a flight til tomorrow morning. They're prepping her for transport now, she'll be there this evening, I don't want her to be alone, I was hoping 51 could be there for her, at least until I can get there
B- of course, your family. What time will she get there?
A- I'm not sure, I'll call you again when she's left
B- ok, we'll still be on shift but I'll be there and we'll all be there when we get off shift in the morning.
A- thanks chief, I guess I'll see you tomorrow
B- see you then
Call ended

Casey POV

The chief seems off, somethings bothering him but we won't tell us. He'd had a long phone call in his office earlier and had been off since then, he got another call an hour later that was much shorter. Around 6 he left for the night, unless there were any calls that needed a battalion chief. The rest of shift was uneventful and in the morning we were all getting ready to leave when chief called us all together

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