Loki: Snowbound

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The little car crawled up the treacherous mountain roads at a responsible pace.

Glancing at your GPS every couple of minutes was a habit you'd gotten into pretty quick. This was your first time making the drive yourself, and the last thing you wanted was to miss a turn and wind up lost somewhere at the top of a mountain.

The forecast had warned of a storm during the coming weekend—virtually a blizzard—so your parents had asked you to check that the family cabin was properly winterized. Your dad meant to do it himself, but things kept coming up and it got put off until now... the literal last minute.

Hence your spur-of-the-moment vacation.

You looked up at the sky. It was heavily overcast, which didn't bode well. Please hold off, you pleaded with the atmosphere. Mountain roads were difficult enough; you didn't need snow making them worse.

Snow. You disliked it with a passion. Always in the way, slowing things down. It served no practical purpose.

Winter itself just wasn't your thing. Shorts and t-shirts, sunny beaches and warm sand—that was your style. But biting wind and frozen water falling from the sky? Just thinking about it made you shiver. What was the appeal?


Loki was leaning back in the faux-leather passenger seat, arms crossed over his chest, looking ridiculously smug as he watched you.

Why did I have to get stuck with him? You fought the urge to bang your head on the steering wheel.

Despite you being a grown woman, your parents didn't like the idea of you making the hours-long drive by yourself, especially when you'd never done it before. Adult or not, they'd "suggested" you take someone along with you, "just in case".

The first choice was your best friend, Bucky. You'd known each other for years and had become close, almost like siblings. You didn't exactly hang around the Avengers—your life was too busy for that—but you did know a few of them, and of that few, Bucky was your favorite. You put up with his... idiosyncrasies... and he put up with, well, you. You'd given him a crash course in surviving the 21st century (Steve wasn't nearly as much help as he thought he was), and ​​​the two of you were nearly inseparable ever since. Bucky could turn even the most mundane task into a hilarious adventure. All while being adorable about it.

Unfortunately, being an Avenger came with responsibilities, and Bucky had to run off on a mission.

"Why don't you take Loki?" he'd suggested innocently.

That was a definite no. You weren't on the best of terms with Loki. He was arrogant and aloof most of the time, and when he wasn't, he was deliberately annoying. He plagued the Tower with pranks and sarcasm whenever he felt like it, and that naturally extended to you whenever you visited. Your sisterly relationship with Bucky seemed to be one of his favorite topics.

You'd tried your hardest to find someone else. Heck, even Parker would be fine. He wasn't another adult, but he was a baby Avenger, so you figured that would cancel out his teen-ness. But no; of course, fate decreed that every single other person would be busy with something or another. Even Parker. In the end, you had no choice.

Neither did Loki, after Steve literally assigned him to you, like a schoolteacher assigning project partners.

And here you both were. In a car. On a mountain. Miles from anyone else.

Please just let us get there with no major incidents.

To your non-existent surprise, Loki had grown bored about thirty minutes into the three-and-a-half-hour drive.

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