Two: The Reckoning

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Standing in the remains of the rain, Loki's head started to ache again. The static from his connection to the Green Man was becoming unbearable now that they were in such close quarters.

His vision began to blur, just as it had last time. The voices whispered to him again, interspersed with memories of his family and his hopes to get home to them. Each thought, hope, and dream was shattered and disjointed in his mind's eye, as if replayed over a broken screen. The shards of that broken screen stabbed at him, causing physical pain.

And in the midst of it all was but one person. Robed in gold and green, devilish smirk as terrifying and bone-chilling as ever, lurking like a shadow of pure evil. Once again, Thanosson leaned down. Reaching for him. Preparing to take him...

Loki couldn't back down this time. He couldn't run. The Green Man was keeping him from (Y/N).

An unexpected flash of green pushed Thanosson back several paces.

He stumbled, momentary confusion interrupting his internal gloating. The boy had spirit... of course he did. He wouldn't have made it this far, otherwise. He had heart.

But that wouldn't save him. Not now.

His smirk returned.

Loki had hauled himself out of the hole in the ground. He now saw they were in a narrow street. Misshapen buildings rose up on either side of them, reflecting the blue light of the tower that held the city in a perpetual trance. Said tower loomed behind Thanosson like an impending storm.

As his opponent recovered, it clicked in Loki's intelligent mind. The Green Man wasn't simply keeping him from (Y/N). He was keeping the boy from the tower itself. Protecting it.

Was one small boy that much of a threat?

The thought made courage bubble up in Loki's chest. He was enough of an issue that this powerful Man came to face him personally. The Man had done his best to plant doubt and insecurity, but his actions said otherwise.

It was the boost of confidence Loki needed. No longer feeling himself an insignificant child, desperate to hide himself from the judgemental eyes of those around him, he put his hands up to his head.

The bag was lifted up and tossed aside, no longer necessary. He no longer felt the need to hide from the world.

Loki's posture straightened. He lifted his face.

Green eyes met identical green.

Magic sparked at Loki's fingertips. His gaze hardened into a glare.

Thanosson twirled his scepter. This was the boy he'd prepared for; so much more interesting than that little mouse he'd found. It was unfortunate, however, that he was noncompliant. If they couldn't do this the easy way, they'd do it the unpleasant way.

Well, unpleasant for the boy. Thanosson would enjoy it very much.

The jewel on the scepter glowed bright as he summoned its power, and a blast of blue energy was shot directly at Loki.

He dove out of the way, sideways onto the pavement, much to Thanosson's amusement. Another bolt was shot, then another. Loki scrambled to his feet, sending his own blast of magic at his attacker. Thanosson deflected it easily. It was redirected to a building, which crumbled like dirt.

The Man lunged forward, faster than Loki was prepared for. A swing of the scepter sent him tumbling back into a puddle. As it soaked into his clothes and hair, Thanosson came to stand over him, gloating. The two minds brushed against each other. The elder willed the younger to submit. When the younger showed no sign of obeying, the tip of the scepter was pressed down onto his chest. Again, the blue stone glowed with a malevolent energy.

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