Count On Me

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[ Older chapter pulled from the dusty recesses of the Archives ]

Loki was a nervous wreck.

Most people would hardly believe that the notorious Trickster could suffer from such a trivial thing as nerves. He was too confident, too sure of himself and his place, too sophisticated.

But you weren't surprised. Having been his best friend for centuries, you'd witnessed the entire spectrum of Loki's emotions, from joyous excitement to murderous anger to vomit-inducing anxiety.

And this was fast approaching vomit-inducing anxiety.

"How do I look?"

You went to stand beside him in front of the mirror. "Like a prince," you said, smiling at his reflection.

"Are you sure?"

"No, I suppose not," you admitted, brushing a non-existent speck of dust from his pauldron. "You look like a king."

He smiled gratefully, only to return to his fretting. "I want today to be perfect, (Y/N)."

"It will be."

"But if anything goes wrong—"

"We'll blame it on Thor."

That earned another smile from the flustered prince.

There was a knock on the door, and Thor poked his head in, right on cue. "It's time, brother."

Loki's head shot up, eyes wide. "Yes... of course. I'm on my way."

When Thor remained in the doorway, Loki crossed his arms. "Thank you, Thor. You may leave now."

Instead, Thor winked at you. "He's almost as nervous as that time he almost kissed the maid's cheek in his sleep—"


The Thunderer lived up to his name, laughing uproariously. "You thought she was mother and sleep walked into her room—"

A knife embedded itself into the wall beside Thor's head. Still chuckling, he disappeared, pulling the door shut behind him.

"Oaf," the younger prince murmured.

Grinning broadly, you replaced a strand of hair that had fallen from its assigned position. "He's trying to help calm you down, you know."

He exhaled. "I am aware. He's still an oaf." Finally satisfied with his appearance, down to the gleaming leather of his boots, he prepared to leave the room, taking only a moment to glance over your plain work dress. "I believe we're done here. Run along to your chamber and get ready. I'll wait for you."

All at once the joviality drained from your mood. You cleared your throat and pretended to be very interested in the scenery outside the window. "That... won't be necessary, Loki."

He noted your effort to avoid his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I won't be attending the wedding." Your voice was quiet.

"Don't be ridiculous, woman. Of course you are."

"I'm not being ridiculous." You shook your head. "Sigyn expressed her wishes to the contrary. But that's alright," you hurried to add.

"Sigyn?" Loki frowned ominously. "I know you are not overly fond of one another, but... nevermind. You will attend as my personal guest, and afterwards I will have words with her about this."

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