Count On Me, Pt. 4

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"Thor!" The wind ripped your terrified scream away almost before it exited your mouth. You grabbed on to him tightly, clutching anywhere your fingers found purchase. "Let me go!"

"I don't think so. You would surely die if I dropped you from this height, and then what would I tell my brother? We would be back to old times, with him trying to kill me at every turn."

Hazarding a look down, you confirmed that yes, a fall would be deadly. To say the least. Thor's amused voice wasn't helping matters.

"I told you I'm not going back!"

A raven cawed reproachfully and wheeled out of Thor's flight path.

"I realize that you made your decision, but given that it is a foolish decision, I have elected to overrule it. Visit my mother, if nothing else; she misses you."

You squinted your eyes, trying to correct their blurry vision. "I'll tell her you kidnapped me!"

"I have no objection. I will, as they say on Midgard, 'take one for the team.' "

"The 'team'?!" your furious shriek pierced the roar of the wind, an no doubt his ears. "There is no tea—!"

"I should hope not. I don't drink tea."

Oh, by the Nine, you were going to kill him.

But, before opportunity arose, a hard thump jarred you as the god of thunder touched down on the polished stone of one of the palace's many balconies. He set you gently on your feet and helped to smooth out your dress by way of half-hearted apology.

Semi-glaring, you hurried to rearrange your hair and wipe the wind-induced tears from your cheeks. "You do realize that stunts like these are why Loki calls you an oaf?"

Your kidnapper grinned. As before, though, it faded. His bright countenance dulled. "He hasn't called me an oaf in months. Now it's only 'brother' or my name, in the most exhausted tone one ever heard. I wish he would call me an oaf once again."

That hurt your heart to hear. Loki really must be doing poorly if he couldn't so much as engage in his usual snark. Yet what were you expected to do about it? "I'm not a panacea, Thor."

"No, you are not. But, just perhaps..."

His determination and hopeful outlook failed for a moment. He couldn't deny the truth; your presence did not immediately mean Loki's recovery. He'd held out for so long, but, in reality, he was running out of options.

"Do what you wish, (Y/N). I just want my brother back. If you won't help, then I will find some other way."

Ah, kindhearted, naive Thor. How quick you are to love, to forgive, to ever wish good on all you come across! How rarely do you hold malice toward the brother who once wronged you so gravely, but who yet holds unparalleled place in your guileless heart! How your wandering spirit, now free from the bondage of the throne and its hundreds of trappings, does seek that which means most to you: your former betrayer's comfort and happiness. Faithful Thor, loyal Thor, if only Midgard—indeed, all Nine Realms—possessed but one tenth of your goodwill, how much more of a welcoming place it would be!

You huffed, opposition melting. How could you continue to resist? "I suppose, since I'm already here, I may as well say hello. But I must return to my aunt eventually. She's under my care and will be wondering what happened to me."

Thor nodded. "I will send one of Father's ravens to ease her mind and inform her of your whereabouts." He cleared his throat. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

A weak smile was all you could manage. For, here you were. There was nothing to be done, so you were going to make the best of it.

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