Chapter 7: The Army grows (Part 1)

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Author Note
Normal talking
Character thinking

Narrator POV

Days passed after the "talk" between the Cat Army and Union Academy and now, despite not being revealed to the public, Atlas having Hades and the Cat Army at their priority list but this was irrelevant. With the Cat Army itself, glorious success was the only way to describe their situation. They found most of their Grand Cat Warriors and Treasures along with some great upgrades to their mechanic fire power, but yet, the Cat Army still wasn't on it's full power, not yet.

Where was the lord of the Underworld exactly? In Ponos Academy spending time with the crazy chicks know as the Galaxy Gals, duh.

Kalisa POV

I sighed in boredom as I watched Y/N talk with the other girls, what exactly they were talking about was none of my concern honestly, as long it don't harm Y/N, it's fine to me, but I admit, ever since he joined Ponos Academy and awakened his true self, the time we spent together, just us and no one else, was basically non-existent. I miss the times I was the one and only persons he could trust and talk to without any worry, just him and me. I miss he comforting me after I failed at something, I miss being the most incredible and interesting individual on his life........ I don't care if i'm being selfish but I wish those times lasted more. Now, he is surrounded by women who are more beautiful than me, his eyes rarely giving me the attention they used to do............

But hey, you might be wondering how I met him, right? It was some time ago, he appeared to in rather dire times.......


It was a nice summer day outside, the sun was warm, people having fun at the beach along other good stuff of the summer most of us love, nothing bad could happen in such a wonderful day, right?........ Well, fate does like to prove us wrong.

In a dark alleyway, we can see a younger Kalisa holding a bloody bat, tears on her eyes as she looked down, at the corpses of her now dead parents........ she didn't understood how this happened, one hour they were on their way to get some ice cream and in the next, she killed her beloved father and mother. How did this happened?! She couldn't remember anything, she tried all she could to try recall any events but nothing, nothing came in mind, no matter how hard she tried...... but she knew she somehow did that. How and why? She loved her parents and they loved her, she was their greatest treasure on life so why?! She fell into her knees, letting her tears finally reach the cold and dirty pavement beneath, begging to whatever angel, god or even satan itself to make her wake up of this horrible nightmare. But that never happened..........

Kalisa: Why......? What they did to deserve this.......? Please, mom....... dad...... please...... wake up...... this joke isn't funny....... please......

She continued to cry, despite the hour of the day, no one appeared to help the poor girl or was even aware that such event happened in first place....... Or at least that's it seemed to be the case here. Steps could be heard but Kalisa payed no attention to it, her focus now being lament the unfortunate death of her parents.

?????: Oh my god....... are you okay?

Finally taking note of the person, Kalisa turned around to see whoever was, meeting a younger Y/N who was slightly shorter than her. He was clearly concerned and scared but not enough to be overwhelmed by it.

Kalisa: ........Get away from me........

Y/N blinked twice in confusion, gulping nervously as he calmly and carefully took a step forward, causing Kalisa to grab the bat once, her grip on the object being incredibly tight as the she gave a glare of mixed feelings to the boy.

The Lord of the Underworld returnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora