Chapter 13: A little time problem (Part 1)

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Author Note
-Since it's new year and stuff, I will be making a cover edit for each chapter now, hope you guys like it
Normal talking
Character thinking

Narrator POV

Yo, wazzup, how ya going? Hope it's going alright, hopefully everyone reading this had a excellent new year and all. As stated before, the last chapter was a Christmas/New year special which is not part of the main story, but for the sake of it, let's say it happens somewhere between the events of this fic where it somehow fits the plot, even though, it most likely don't.

Anyway, let's do the usual and skip boring introduction and go into the chapter of today!

Y/N/Hades/You POV

Slowly but surely, I opened my eyes and looked at my arounds, finding myself in a rather weird room, weird in the sense that isn't my own room, that's what I mean, get it? The room seemed to be fit to belong to a teenager actually speaking, not that it bothered me, it was actually very clean and organized, it's just something I noticed.

I shrug and stand up, noticing I was in my usual robe, which was smelling better than usual, but I was surprised by what I saw next, Timekeeper/Paradox in a school girl outflit...... in a very interesting angle if you ask me.

Timekeeper: 🎶 Today is a good day to not be dead 🎶

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Timekeeper: 🎶 Today is a good day to not be dead 🎶

Y/N: Oh hello Timekeeper, nice hair you have by the way......

Timekeeper: Oh, Hades, you are awake, excellent! I was wondering when you would wake up and thanks!

She stood up and placed her hands on her waist before look at me with her only eye along with a smooth smile on her beautiful face.

Timekeeper: And I know you were actually looking at my rear, but don't worry, I saw you naked a couple of times and I must say, I liked the vision.

Y/N: You what?

Timekeeper: You heard me very well.

Y/N: Fair enough. But alright, time for the questions; 1st: Where are we? 2st: Why? 3st: You have a nice ass.

Timekeeper: 1st: In a timeline I created. 2st: For we spend some time together and for you relax without having to worry about your job, of course! 3st: Thank you very much.

Y/N: Spend some time together?

Timekeeper: Yes! Out of all your allies, our relationship isn't exactly that deep, so I desire to strengthen our bond!........ Unless you think I am not worth of your attention, that is.

Y/N: Of course you are worth of my attention Timekeeper, it's just that interactions between us are quite rare as you pointed out. I was actually looking forward something like this....... actually thinking well, what about time, how exactly are you gonna deal with this?

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