Chapter 14 A little time problem Part 2

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Author Note
-I probably should put more stuff into author notes but idk what to put here anyway, lmao
Normal talking
Character thinking

Narrator POV

Ayy, wazzup my homies, everything's alright? I hope the answer is yes, and in the last chapter, the author wrote the first lemon of this book along with Timekeeper/Paradox/Ignis bringing Hades to a timeline she created so both of you could relax, yo! Lemme check real quick to see if this information is right, uhuh, yep, it is. Alright, let's if there's anything else worth addressing.......

Oh yeah, oh yeah, the catastrophe that will destroy the universe is not happening in only one reality but is happening in multiple, being caused by many entities, anything else author? No? Just a somewhat unexpected surprise for this chapter? Alright then if you say so.......

Now what to say- oh yeah, let's start the chapter from Timekeeper/Paradox/Ignis' pov!

Timekeeper/Paradox/Ignis POV

Yesterday was incredible to say the least, never before I felt so much pleasure and joy, even when messing up with timelines and tormenting those within, but it was also special for another reason: I felt loved and special. You see, when you are a insane time traveller who mess with the fabric of reality for lols, people don't usually consider the option of befrieding or talking with you, nope, right to the kill, not that I can blame them, it's a completely understandable reaction actually, it's just that I missed having someone truly care for me, I guess that's what countless nights without sleep and years alone do to a person.

Anyway, continuing from the "I felt loved and special" part, I could see that through all the 500 rounds of love making like two wild animals on their heat, he did not just wanted me for the pleasure of flesh, but to receive and give love. I still remember all the sweet nothings and beautiful words he whispered to me while taking all the care in the world to be sure I was fine and was enjoying that moment just as much as him. Words can't express how happy I was during all that.

But eventually, our sweet physical displays of love came to a end and both of us fell asleep in each other's warm embrace. His skin was soft and pratically comfy, I had the sensation that no one in the multiverse could harm while his arms were around me. However, something unexpected happened, some sort of mental link between us occurred and I was able to see his memories. I saw so much pain, how many lost lifes, how many horrors, I saw he losing his sister and his wife right before his very eyes, unable to do anything, so I guess that's why he didn't wanted to talk about it. I discovered that he has to take care of the souls of everyone in the multiverse. He saw so many horrible things, things that made him want to wipe humanity and remake it anew. I felt his pain, his sorrow. It was horrible.

I'm not sure if I should tell him I saw these dark memories.

It was all for a brief moment but it was more than enough, but of course, it didn't ended there. I had visions, as you know, I can see the futures, seeing what may happen causes things to be boring, really, but from time to time, it was a blessing..... but mostly a curse, not only because of the boredom. I saw Y/N disappearing right before my eye, screaming for me to help him, to save him while everything around us burned.

I quickly woke up after in my dream, almost get beheaded by the blade of a stranger, panting in fear and with some tears in my eye, looking around, finding myself and Y/N, both of us naked and having our bodies completely naked, well, I quickly checked if everything was fine without waking him up, of course. God, everything on that dream- no, that damn nightmare felt so real.

Shortly after, Y/N woke up as well and noticed the frightned look and tears on my face, getting a worried expression on his own and putting his hands on my shoulders while looking at me in the eyes, well, eye.

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