Chapter 15: A little time problem (part 3)

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Author Note
-Quite a time huh?
Normal talking
Character thinking


"Tis I who now stand ready to snuff out the brief candle of your worthless life Trigon... I Dormammu! NOW GET AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND, YOU CHEAP EXCUSE OF A DEMON!!!"

Narrator POV

Hey hey hey! Wazzup my homies, ya fine? I hope the answer is yes, it's me, Asrom, that useless guy everyone hates and loves, chyea. Anyway, focusing on the fic, we won't be having special chapters for quite a time since the author had enough of it for now so let's focus on the main story, finally! Also fuck you Aphrodite!

Aphrodite: HEY!!!

Alright, let's focus on the fic already, like seriously.

In the battlefield.......

Trigon: Dormammu?!?!

Dormammu: The only and one, "Triangle"!


Dormammu: Or what? Gonna cry and ask for emotional support from your hybrid daughter? Oh wait.......

Trigon: YOU DARE?!?!


Y/N: Ughhhhhh.......

Timekeeper: This is funny.

Chronos: 100% Agreed.

Both the hellish entities roared against each other, charging their attacks and unleashing a enormous wave of energy against each other, causing a great flash of light, blinding the vision of almost everyone there and even destroying huge chunks of reality itself. After the light was gone, it was revealed both were absolutely fine and unscathed by the clash, which obviously, didn't really made any of them happy in the slightest.

Trigons: Akus, lay waste to everything! Spare nothing on your unholy wake!

Dormammu: Now come my murdrous minions -- follow in the paths of the Dread One!

And from the same fissure on reality that the faltine came, multiple beings that seemed to be golems with a red visor moved forward.

And from the same fissure on reality that the faltine came, multiple beings that seemed to be golems with a red visor moved forward

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Dormammu: Go my brutes! Send these akus back to the darkness they crawled out from!

Mindless Ones:..............

Despite not being clear, they all seemed to obey her command and immediatly charged forward against the demonic creatures, attacking with lazers from their "eyes" and punching them. Of course, the Akus did the same, a great battle between armies already happening.

Timekeeper: Shouldn't we like, help them? I mean, the fire lady and her golems aren't trying to kill us...... yet.

Chronos: It seems that the Dread One is interested on you, Hades.

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