Gaiden: Emma

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Author Note
-Was bored so
Normal talking
Character thinking

Narrator POV

Well, well, well. What can I say except that the author was very bored and decided to make this, really?

Emma POV

Wazzup my homies! Emma here! Y'all missed me, admit it, come on, no need to be shy aroun' good ol' me, haha! If you aren't darn dumb then you can guess by the title this will be focused on me and me alone!.... Well, featurin' the boss of course but you get the idea, right? Right....

Well, we should start by somewhere, right? I guess a flashback can work here just fine!

Flashback Starts

Chaos ruled over the lands as the sounds of war cries could be heard by miles, the flames burning everything and everyone who was unfortunate enough to cross it's path, the smoke ascending high into the sky as devils and other monsters like that fought a battle with no end.

Amidst that hellish mess, there was a oni, a female one to be more specific. It's quite obvious who i'm talking about, right? She seemed confused, she was simply punching whoever was unfortunate enough to be near her. She was in no side, she was alone in a place she didn't belong, a place she didn't wanted to belong... and yet, she loved it. She loved each and every second of it. She finally felt alive. She wanted more, she croved for more, she NEEDED more.

She roared and decapitated another devil with her fists alone, seeing blood and other organs fly away because of her punches. War was merciless as such, she had to be even more merciless.

This process continued, the sounds of furious battle in the distance, but she could rest a bit as she saw that there was only corpses on her arounds. She sighed and saw a cave, quickly running towards it and sitting against the wall, rubbing her forehead before simply look at a random direction, letting herself to be lost on thought.

Emma: Fuck... fuck, fuck, FUCK!

She stood up, punching the wall and causing a small earthquake, rubbing her forehead before chuckle, her voice displaying mixed feelings.

Emma: I CAN!..... I can't.

She laughed like a crazy person again before kicking a rock, not caring much where it went... at least, that's what she thought at first. The Oni placed her eyes where the rock went, noticing a giant hole, enough to fit god damn mountains on it. She raised a eyebrown before sigh and decide to try her luck on this abyss.

She carefully descended into the hole, keeping a watchful eye in all directions, finally reaching the floor and giving a good look at her arounds, now knowing it was safe, but noticed something in the distance... ancient gates? Yup, that's what seemed to be.

Emma cracked the knuckles on her fingers and quickly went to the direction of the gates -or at least that's what she assumed they were- seeing that this place had more than meets the eye. It was not just gates, but giant walls full of marks and ancient scriptures along with figures and other things like that.

Emma: Holy mackerel... Can it be?

She began laughing again, not even sure why she was doing it in the first place. She really couldn't believe on what she was looking at, but she knew it was real, perhaps more real than herself. Emma was going to give it a shot.

One of her hands adopted a scratching like mode before she slashed her other arm with her nails, obviously causing it to bleed, but she was quick to splatter her blood into the gate, gritting her teeth as she now had a serious expression on her face.

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