Chapter 6

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"Wait so he walked up to you, signed your picture, and then left?!" Jasmine said to me.

I smiled and nodded. We were walking home from school and I had texted her when I returned to my house last night. Now we have the chance to actually fangirl about it.

"Ugh, you are soooo lucky!" she groaned.

"I definitely wasn't expecting it at all, nor, once I found out, was I trying to attract attention from them either," I said quickly, ultimately avoiding a question she was bound to ask. I shoved my cold hands into my coat pockets. Despite it being March, the winter weather hasn't left completely.

"Sure," Jasmine said, rolling her eyes.

"It's true!" I exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes once more with a slight smile, then changed the subject.

"You didn't take pictures?" she paused, but then continued talking, "What did you wear? Did you look nice? And what about-"

I threw my hands up, silencing her. "Please, one question at a time," I said, then laughed.

Jasmine lowered her head, and through gritted teeth, said, "Sorry".

"First off," I began, "I didn't want to blend in with the other screaming fangirls holding up my little smartphone and-"

"Ah ha!" she yelled, interrupting my sentence. "So you were trying to be noticed."

My cheeks flushed red, and I quickly tried to defend myself. "No! I just don't like blending in with the crowd," I said, then slightly crossed my arms.

Jasmine raised an eyebrow, then walked over and pat me on my shoulder. "Come on, we all know the one girl that doesn't scream over their idol is bound to be noticed," she said.

I paused, and then jumped up and met her eyes, giving away my excitement. "I know!" I shrieked.

"See? I knew there was still some Kiley left in you," she said with a wink. "I thought you turned serious for good."

I laughed. "No way! I am so siked."

We walked upon my house, and I turned to Jasmine and said, "I'll show you the signed pictures at school tomorrow."

She nodded and then walked off down the street.

"I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in my front door. My little brother Steven suddenly appeared in front of me. He held something behind his back.

"Wheres mom?" I asked.

Steven smiled deviously, and finally said, "In the laundry room."

"What's behind your back?"

"Oh nothing," Steven said.

I looked at him with my evil glare, and then walked around him. "If I find anything in my room destroyed, you're gonna get it," I said.

Just then, I felt a spray of water on the back of my pants, and turned around to see that it's Steven, spraying me with a water gun. He sprayed it directly into my eye and that's when I lost it.

"Give me that thing!" I yelled furiously, chasing him around the living room as he continued blasting me with water. He screamed like a lunatic.

Suddenly, my mom came storming in, breaking the chase up.

"Kiley? Really?" she said, grabbing me by the shoulder.

"Why did he have to do that?" I said, putting my hands up. "I could have entered the house peacefully, but no, the runt squirts me with a water gun."

"Kiley, he's 8!" My mom exclaimed.

"So that means he can do whatever he wants? And I, being the older one, have to deal with it?" I said, raising my voice.

She pinched the ridge of her nose, and sighed in exhaustion. "Kiley, go to your room."



I stomped out of the living room and into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I changed out of my wet clothes and put on warm pajamas.

I flopped onto my bed. It wasn't the first time I was getting punished for something Steven started in the first place.

I scrolled on my phone, then heard my door open. My mom was bringing dinner.

"Kiley?" my mom asked, setting the plate of food on the table next to me.

I continued staring at the wall, waiting for her to say something else.

"Well, if you don't want to talk right now, that's fine. But just know, I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I know it's hard being the older sibling," she said, "But you know young kids. They can be unpredictable at some times. So next time Steven bugs you, don't pay attention to it."

She rubbed my head, then whispered into my ear, "Don't worry, he is serving his punishment as we speak."

This made a slight smile cross my face. My mom lowers down and kisses me on the cheek. Then I hear her close my door.

I lifted up and began eating my dinner. I couldn't help but feel bad for Steven, just a little. But then all thoughts vanished as I enjoyed the taste of my food.

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