Chapter 1

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It's Christmas morning! I ran down the hallway over to my parents room to shake them awake. True, I'm 16 years old, but I'm not going to let my age get in the way of my excitement.

"Wake up!" I yell to my mom, shaking her shoulder to and fro.

My mom groaned and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

I looked over to the clock sitting on the bedside table. "5:43!"

Next my dad sat up. "Kiles, that's too early."

I sunk down to the floor. I couldn't wait any longer. I'm a major fangirl who can't contain herself.

I turned around, trying not to feel completely hopeless. "Can we open presents at 6 then?"

My mom nodded and lay back down, followed by my dad. I slouched my back and lazily walked towards the door. Instead of going back into my room, I walked over to Steven's (my little brothers') room. Even he was still asleep.

I gently shook him so that he would at least be awake. He finally opened his eyes. He groaned and then turned on his side.

Then I leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "It's Christmas." His eyes widened. That did the trick.

Steven sprung up out of bed and exclaimed, "Its Christmas!" I laughed in amusement as my 8 year old brother wizzed excitedly around his room.

He ran out of his room and ran over to my parents room, shaking them awake like I did.

My mom gave in and sat up, "Looks like we aren't going to get anymore sleep," she shook my dad awake, "let's go honey. The kids want to open presents."

My dad sat up also and they started getting out of bed. I couldn't wait so I raced down the stairs to the Christmas tree. A wonderful array of colorful presents circled the tree.

I wonder which present it is, I thought to myself.

I love The Maze Runner and the movie cast. I've read all of the books (including the prequel), seen the movie, have my walls decorated with countless posters, and have a bunch of merch. I'd say me being a fan would be an understatement.

This year, I've asked for tickets to Comic Con, which will feature the cast of The Maze Runner. I know I've gotten it this year because there are few gifts with my name on it. That's because the tickets are so expensive.

Steven and I sit around the tree, trying to remain as calm as possible. My parents finally started making their way down the steps and into the living room.

My mom sat on the couch and pulled out a little video camera. I waited for her to say when we could open. "Alright go ahead," she announced.

I tore open the first box, to find a cute teal sweater. The next one had some gray leggings, the next one had a pink sweater with a bow. The next present I pulled from under the tree was small. This one had to be it. I carefully unwrapped the box, afraid that I'd damage the thing inside. I removed the lid. Inside were the tickets. Even though I knew I was going to get them, shock and happiness still filled my body. But under the tickets, there was another slip of paper. It said: VIP pass. Oh my god. Now this was not what I expected. I jumped up and hugged my mom and dad. I even started to cry a little. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said to both of them.

My parents had a giant smile on their faces. "Your welcome sweetie," my mom said.

These tickets were the only thing I needed for Christmas. I didn't want anything more. I was grateful for the clothes they got me as an addition. I thanked them again for the clothes and ran up to my bedroom. I pulled out my phone and got on Instagram, telling the followers of my fandom account that I hoped they had a Merry Christmas and about what I'd gotten.

Positive replies came back and I smiled. I love my followers. My mom then called me down into the living room. "Coming!" I yelled loud enough so that she could hear.

I walked down the stairs into the living room and sat next to her on the couch. "While your father is helping your brother put together a toy, we can talk about the Comic Con a little." I nodded and she continued. "It's in March, so that means you'll have to miss school." I didn't like the fact that it was so far away, but I didn't mind missing school.
"Are you okay with that?" she asked. I nodded, "Yeah of course, these are my idols you're talking about."

She patted my lap and said, "Alright honey." She got up from the couch and continued, "Well that's all I wanted to talk about for now. I'll talk to you about it more when the time comes closer."

I nodded. I acted calm, but really, my excitement started bursting me at the seams

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