The Hunt

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Dean Winchester pulled into the parking lot of a cheap motel. After hours of driving he gladly stepped out of the Impala to stretch his back and legs. Over the course of the drive he had a lot on his mind about the case, not that it was difficult, but the supernatural seemed to be getting smarter. He picked up on the case in town reading news articles online. What appeared to be suicides was now starting to be an ongoing investigation. So far, four males had supposedly killed themselves. Long deep cuts on their forearms, all found in the woods. Dean thought nothing of it at first, until revealed in the online autopsy that they had all been drained of their blood. 'Probably vampires' He thought, so here he was. Tired, hungry, in desperate need of a drink and a good nights sleep, ready to start the real investigation. He sighed pulling his bags out of baby's trunk. After checking in he headed into his room, setting his bags down and plopping down onto the bed. Food and drinks could wait, for now. If he had driven any longer He would fear for Babys well being. He closed his eyes, not bothering to undress other then kicking off his shoes, and quickly fell asleep.

Dean woke the following morning. He took a quick shower, dressed in his FBI get up, and headed out for a day of questioning. He stopped along the way to the police station to grab some breakfast, donuts, very fitting, and went on his way. He was about halfway to the station when he stopped, pulled over to the sides of the road. "Great, another body." Dean mumbled to himself. The last body had been found four days prier. The vampires didn't seem to be slowing down, this would be victim number five. Dean got out of the car, cleaning off his powder donut fingers quickly. He walked up to the cation tape, pulling out his badge. "FBI." Dean said to the officer. "I was on my way to the station but I see we got another one." The officer nodded and let him into the scene of the crime. Calling the chief over. He came over and introduced himself. "Chief Morgan." He said shaking Deans hand. "Didn't think the FBI would be involved in a case like this." He said walking Dean over towards the body. "Yeah well, in a town like this with little to no crime then a spike of death, somethings up." Dean told him, couching down with Morgan by the body and uncovering part of it. "Well we though they were suicides until we had the autopsy done on them, it didn't seem right them missing all that blood." Dean nodded looking at the arm, no bite marks, but the victim looked oddly thin for his build. "Yeah... not natural." Dean said covering the victim back up.

"I'm gonna swing by the station and grab some files to look over. Maybe some copies of statements and autopsies." Dean said, heading back towards his car, Morgan following. "Sounds good. Leave your number and all us if you catch a lead. We'll keep you updated." He told Dean. Dean nodded and gave a quick wave before getting into the car. He questioned himself a bit as he headed to the police station. He didn't see any bites so maybe he was wrong on the vampire thing. Either way, right now it was his best bet so he would play it that way. He quickly stopped at the station and picked up what he needed then headed back to the motel. He went inside, dropping the files on the table and sitting down with a deep sigh. "Fucking research." He mumbled, opening a file and started to read through it. Of course research was important and needed to be done, Dean just hated it. He knew it wasn't his strong suit. He could get it done but it took him a lot longer then other hunters. That was the only reason he liked pairing up with other hunters, they could help get the work down, this part of the work anyway. But Dean, for every other reason, liked working alone. He didn't like having other people around, just another person to look out for, another possible casualty. This way all he had to worry about was looking after himself, and that meant he was stuck with all the work, including the research. Fuck.

Dean ordered take out, not wanting to waste time and leave the motel room. He spent all day doing work, not getting much but at the same time getting a good start. All the victims were Male, early twenties to thirties, all in good shape. All died in the woods of blood loss from cuts on arms. He also found from statements all the men liked hanging out at a bar in town. It was well known and most locals would visit. Dean decided he would pay a visit too. After changing out of his FBI suit he settled on some jeans, t shirt and a flannel. He got into his car and headed out, it would be perfect to ask some questions, and he might as well have a drink while he's out there. He smiled to himself. Win-win.

He walked into the bar, eyes scanning the crowd. It wasn't crowded, not that he expected it to be on a Tuesday night, but he hoped for more people. He walked over to the bar, sitting down. he glanced around again before a voice cut his thoughts short. "Can I get you anything?" Dean glanced at the bartender. One of the first things he noticed was his eyes, he'd never seen eyes like that before. The rest of him wasn't bad either, tall, in need of a haircut, and dimples. "I'll have a beer." He told him. "One beer coming up." The bartender said. walking over to grab on and slid it over to Dean. Dean nodded in thanks. "Quiet night." Dean said. The bartender chuckled. "Yeah, this place isn't really busy on weekday nights." Damn. There goes his idea of talking to the locals, but maybe this guy could help. "I'm guessing you don't get a lot of visitors from outside of town." Dean said sipping his beer. The man shook his head. "Nah, just the locals." He said, Dean nodded. "I'm sure you'd notice if anyone new came into town." Dean said, the man nodded. "Yeah, Id definitely notice." Dean drank more of his beer. "See anyone new around here lately?" Dean asked and the man nodded. "Yeah, You." Dean couldn't help but chuckle. "Ok you got me." Dean told him. "I'm just in town for a few days." The man nodded wiping down part of the bar. "What brings you to town?" He asked. Dean hesitated before answering, He didn't know this guy but he seemed to have knowledge on the town so he had probably been here a while, since before the killings. "I'm helping out the investigation in town." Dean said, the mans eyes widened. "No shit?" He said. "I thought they all killed themselves, I heard another body was found this morning but the cops haven't said anything yet." Dean nodded. "Yeah it's true. They're not sure what's going on.." Dean said, not wanting to scare the guy but wanted him to be aware. "..that's why I'm here. Fresh set of eyes and all that." The man nodded. "You don't look like a cop." He said. Dean smiled. "Should I be offended by that?" He teased lightly. The man laughed. "I don't know, should you be?" He asked. Dean chuckled. "Damn, I come in here looking for answers and instead my ego gets hurt." The man laughed softly but didn't say anything else. "I'm Dean by the way." Dean told him. The man nodded. "Sam. Sam Weson." He said.

"Well Sam are you sure you haven't seen anyone new in here recently?" Dean asked him. Sam shook his head. "Nope, no one." Sam said. "Well just keep an eye out." Dean told him and Sam nodded. "Yeah I will." Dean didn't think Sam seemed that worried. But he didn't blame him, Sam looked like he could handle himself, even by wearing a long sleeved shirt Dean could tell he was in good shape. "You got a personal body guard or something?" Dean asked and Sam chuckled. "something like that." He said nodding over towards a small group of people off to a corner of a bar. "Friends?" Dean asked glancing over. Sam heisted and answered. "Boyfriend." He said. Dean nodded slowly. Somewhat disappointed to hear but it wasn't like he'd be in town long anyway, so the chances of a hook up weren't happening with Sam. Dean normally hooked up with woman, but he wasn't exactly straight, or blind. "That's good, at least you're not alone." Dean said finishing his beer. "Yeah it's nice. He just got off from work and came up to visit me." Sam smiled. Dean slowly glanced over at the group, he wasn't sure which one was Sams boyfriend. But it didn't seem like he was that interested in Sam if he was off in a corner with other people. "Well why isn't he over here with you then?" Dean couldn't help but ask. Sam thought for a second, a look of both chock and hurt passed over his face that Dean missed. "Well I am working." Sam said, Dean glanced down the bar, only two other people were sitting there. "Well you're definitely not busy. I don't get why he's not up here talking to you." Dean said and Sam shrugged. "Some of our friends are here. It's not a big deal." Sam said. Dean nodded, not wanting to push it. "Yeah you're right." Dean said. "How about another beer?" Sam smiled and grabbed him another one. "Aren't you on duty or something?" He asked, handing it to Dean anyway. "Nope. I'm at a bar on my night off having a nice conversation." He smiled, tipping his bottle towards Sam before drinking. Sam chuckled. "Alright, as long as I'm not getting you in trouble." Sam told him. "You only get in trouble if you get caught." Dean smirked. Sam smiled and shook his head. Dean told himself they weren't flirting, Sam had a boyfriend and he'd keep things professional. He still had work to do.


Short Chapter, I'm still trying to work out the tags, I know I'll be changing some of them. Hope you guys like this so far! This is going to be a shorter fanfic (at least that's the plan don't quote me on it) Any comments or thoughts on it would appreciated. ❤️

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