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Dean kissed Sam soft and slow, hand gently resting on Sams jaw. His thumb lightly brushing over Sams cheek. Sam was a bit tense, taking a second before slowly kissing Dean back. Hesitant, like he was scared, testing it out. Dean didn't push, he let Sam go at his pace. Sam Kissed him back more confident. Slowly raising a shaky hand to rest on the side of Deans neck. Dean felt Sam deepen the kiss, feeling Sam relax. Dean moved his hand, gently placing it on Sams hip. stepping closer to him, pressing their chests together. Dean hadnt felt this way about anyone before, not while kissing them. Sam wasn't a random hook up, not anymore. Not someone he wanted to jump in bed with and leave the next day. He wanted to protect Sam, wanted Sam to feel safe and loved and truly cared about. He wanted to be that person for Sam. He gently rubbed his side, trying not to hurt him and avoid all injuries. Dean felt Sam melting against him, and the suddenly it stopped. "Wait.." Sam pulled back a bit, forehead pressed against Deans. Dean stilled, not pushing anything. "No.. No I can't.. we can't.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done that." Sam said softly, letting go of Dean completely and stepping back.

Dean felt his stomach turn, not because the small makeout session had stopped, but for the reasons he knew Sam was stopping for. "I'm.. I'm still with him I can't do this." Dean looked over Sam, watching as Sam sat back down on the side of the bed. "I thought you were on a break." Dean said softly. Sam shook his head, not meeting Deans gaze. "We're still together. I can't do that to him. I shouldn't of.." Dean nodded slowly. "Ok." He said, moving to sit on the corner of the bed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't of done that." Dean said, but he wasn't' sorry, not for any of it. Sam nodded, staying quiet. "Is it ok if I ask you a few more question about him?" Dean asked. Sam sighed softly. "His name is Zeke." Dean was unfazed. "Can I ask you more questions about him?" Dean asked again. "I'd rather you didn't." Sam mumbled. "Well I'm asking anyway." Dean said. "Sam how bad has it been? I mean.. how bad has he hurt you? Has he ever put you in the hospital?" Dean asked. "What? No, it's never come to that Dean." Sam said defensively. Dean nodded slowly. "So your side.. you think if you got that checked by a doctor it would've healed.." "Dean just stop ok? I'm fine, I can take care of myself." Sam told him. "Sam do you have anywhere to go?" Dean asked. "What? Why would I need to go anywhere? I told you I have a place, we live together." "Yeah and that's the problem, if he hurts you again, you need somewhere you can go to get away from him." Sam shook his head. "It won't come to that." "You don't know that." Dean said. Sam huffed and shook his head. "No one asked you opinion." "That's why I'm giving it to you for free." "Ok, you know what..?" Sam stood up, turning to face Dean.

"Just because you saved me from those creatures doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do with my life now." Sam said. "I'm trying to help you." Dean said, he didn't know how to get through to Sam, but he refused to give up. "Just tell me you have a friend you can go to when things get bad." Dean said. Sam took a second, sighing and shrugging. "Yeah, I do. Ok? Is that all you wanted to hear?" Sam asked. Dean wasn't very happy with that answer. "You sure?" Dean asked. "I have friends Dean." Sam said, glaring at him. "I never said you didn't, all I'm asking is if you can stay with them when things get bad." Sam huffed softly. "Well yeah I... I've done it before... once." He mumbled shrugging. Dean nodded slowly, feeling some relief. "So you stayed with them" Dean asked. "Just a few hours." Sam mumbled. "It was.. Just not one of his good nights. I walked over to her house and asked to stay the night, she said yeah and it was fine but.. he showed up a few hours later and I went back home with him." Dean frowned. All relief gone again. "How did he find you?" Dean asked. "She texted him, told him where I was because I wasn't answering my phone when he tried calling. So he texted her." Deans stomach turned. "He's friends with her too?" He asked. Sam shrugged. "We have mutual friends." He said. "All of them?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow. Sam scowled. "Whats it matter? They're still my friends." "Ok, but don't you have ay friends that aren't his? How about your coworkers?" Dean asked. "He knows them, he used to work there and that's how I got the job there." Sam told him. Dean wanted to scream. "Do you have a car?" He asked, Sam looked down at the ground. "Don't need one. Everything's in walking distance from our house." Dean felt more and more uneasy by this situation by the second. "Ok, but you have a job, you have money, you could always get one." "Don't need one." Sam said again. Dean bit his lip, not wanting to ask, but did. "Sam you control your own money right?"

"What? It's our money Dean, we live together, we have a joint bank account. We share it." Sam said. "So you don't have any savings?" Dean asked. "Look it's none of your fucking business how I spend my money." "Sam.." Dean stood, more then concerned. "You have access to your money right?" Sam sighed. "No, and I don't need to! Zeke takes care of everything! The bills, the grocery shopping, we'll get new clothes together when the seasons change, I don't need to spend the money." Dean really couldn't believe what he was hearing. To Sam this mightve made sense but Dean was contomplating just kidnapping Sam at this moment. Sam was a prisoner by his so called boyfriend. No friends to go to, no Car to drive away in, no money to get a bus or plane ticket if he ever wanted out. Sam was trapped, and he couldn't even see it. "Sam.. it's great that he does all that.. but it's not right." Dean said and Sam sighed. "Dean I'm to tired to have the same conversation with you again. Can you please just take me home now?" Sam asked. Dean was quiet for a second. "No." Dean said. "What?" Sam asked, tensing a bit. "No, I mean it's late, you're still not feeling great, just lay down and sleep here, I'll take you home in the morning." Dean didn't like saying that, he was hoping to convince Sam sometime tomorrow morning to stay behind, to not go with Zeke. Sam hesitated but nodded slowly. "Ok, just tonight."

Dean moved to his bag, starting to strip down to his boxers. Sam glanced at him, biting his lip and tensing slightly. "Um.." Sam said softly as he looked around. "There's uh, only one bed." Dean nodded, putting on a loose t shirt. "Yeah I know. It's a king though, we can each have our own side, I'd really rather not sleep in the car, if that's ok with you." He said glancing at Sam. Sam nodded. "Yeah, of course, I mean it's your room. Thanks for letting me stay." Sam told him. Dean nodded. "You uh, want to shower or anything? I have some clothes if you want to borrow them." He offered. Sam hesitated but then nodded. "Yeah, thanks. I'll skip the shower though, I'm just tired." He said, getting up and starting to strip down. Dean went into his beg. "You want some sweats?" He asked. Pulling out a shirt and sweatpants. "Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it." Sam told him, taking the clothes. "No problem." Dean said, going to get into bed, making sure to stay on one side of it. Sam quickly changed and got into his own side of the bed. "You can shower in the morning, we can leave around the afternoon, I think I'm gonna sleep most of the day." Dean told him. Sam settled into bed, humming softly and closing his eyes. "Sounds good. Good night Dean." Sam said softly. "Night Sammy." Dean said, laying on his side, facing away from him. Sam huffed. "It's Sam." He mumbled. Dean smiled. Eyes closed. "Whatever you say Sammy." Dean heard him sigh but didn't say anything else. He smiled softly to himself. Now Sam was safe for the night. Hopefully he could keep it that way.


Shorter chapter but I wanted to post something. ❤️

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