New Beginnings

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Dean looked at the number, it rang twice before it registered that it was Sams number. He was confused ask to why Sam was calling, but at the same time, worried. He picked up the phone. "Sam?" He said. There was silence for a moment before he heard an answer. "Dean? Where are you?" Sam asked, he sounded a bit shaken up. "Just got our food, I'll be back in a few minutes." Dean told him. "Are you ok?" Dean asked. More silence. "Sam?" "I'm sorry, I.. I really didn't mean too.." Sam said softly. Deans worry grew. "Talk to me." Dean said. Course now set for the motel. "I.. I just went to my phone to check my messages. Thats all I was doing, Listening to the voicemails Zeke left." Sam explained. Dean let out a sigh. "Sam please don't listen to anymore. Delete them." Dean told him. Sam didn't need that toxic asshole in his life anymore. "I was going to but.. he called." Sam said. Dean stopped breathing for a second.

"He called you?" He asked. "I didn't mean to pick up, I swear, I was just going through the massages and his call popped up and I hit the answer button by mistake.." Sam rambled off. Deans blood was boiling. "..I didn't say anything at first, he just start talking." Sam continued. "At first he apologized and then asked me to come home.. then told me I had to. I said no and he got mad. He said he'd find me, that he's gonna track my phone." All Deans red flags were going off. "Hang up the phone now. Throw it away and pack up, as soon I get back we're leaving." Dean stated, pressing harder on the gas pedal. "I.. I thought we weren't going till tonight?" Sam said. "Change of plans. Listen Sam I'll be there in like two minutes, please turn off your phone and don't open the door unless it's me? You understand?" Dean asked. Beating Zeke would have to wait. Dean didn't want Sam anywhere near him. As much as he hated it, it would have to happen another time. "O-ok." Sam said softly. Dean bit his lip holding in a sigh. "Five minutes. I'll be right there. I promise." Dean said, hanging up the phone. He should've listened to Sam. They should've left earlier, Dean had slept enough, he would take them home.

Dean arrived soon, parking the car, not bothering to turn off the engine. He jogged up the the motel door and knocked on it. Sam answered almost instantly. He looked worried, scared almost. "You grab everything?" Dean asked walking into the motel, looked over the room. "Yeah, I grabbed my bag... I'm sorry." Sam said. "Alright we need to get out of here now. You turned off your phone right? I need to get you on the road before he gets here.. fuck I can't believe this." Dean said, A bit frustrated that things didn't go as planned, but then again, most things never did. "I'm sorry Dean, I really didn't mean for this to happen, I swear, I'm sorry." Sam said, Dean glanced at him. Sam seemed panicked, scared. It was understandable, but Dean realized it was him that Sam was scared of. Mistaken his frustration at the situation as anger towards Sam.

"Sam.." Dean said softly, calming himself as he stepped towards Sam. Sam tensed, he didn't back away but he looked terrified. Dean had thought that Sam trusted him, he was realizing now that it would probably take a long time before Sam trusted him completely. "This isn't your fault." Dean said quietly, stepping in front of him. Sam dropped his head, avoiding looking at Dean. Dean slowly lifted his hand, gently lifting Sams chin. He could feel Sam tense, but he didn't fight it. He looked. at Dean, almost shaking. "I want you safe." Dean said softly, keeping his voice even. "This isn't your fault. It was an accident like you said. I believe you." Sam relaxed slightly. "Thank you." Sam said softly. Dean gently brushed his thumb over Sams cheek. "Let's get into the car, we have a lot of driving to do." Dean said softly. Sam nodded slightly. Dean dropped his hand from Sams face, moving it to Sams back, gently guiding him out the door.

Dean didn't bring anything inside so Sams bag was the only thing that needed to be added to the trunk. He loaded it up, and went around to get into the drivers side. "Get in." Dean told him him, starting up the car. Sam carefully got inside. Biting his lip as he looked back at the motel. "Hey.." Dean said softly. "It's ok, we're getting you out of here. You'll see your new home tomorrow." Dean told him, trying to keep Sam calm. Sam nodded. "I know, I've just lived here a long time.. it's gonna be different." Sam said. Dean hoped so. He hoped it would be a lot different, that Sam would be happy and free, and be able to make his own choices. Dean wanted Sam to be his own person and really hoped he could find some independence. Dean started to drive them away, reaching for the radio to turn on his music. "Hope you like the music. It's the only kind that gets played in here." He said, teasing but also serious. Sam chuckled, shaking his head. "I mean it's not terrible." He teased lightly. Dean smiled, things seemed to be off to a nice start.

Dean drove them for a while before having to stop to fill up baby. He got out of the car. "Alright, you can run in and grab some snacks, I'm gonna full her up." Dean said, handing Sam a twenty once he got out of the car. Sam hesitated and shook his head. "It's ok, I have some money left." Sam said. Dean frowned slightly. "Sam, what's mine is yours. I told you how I live and how I get the money. it's ok." Dean said handing it to Sam. Sam hesitated but ended up taking it. "I can pay you back." Sam said. "How about you get me some beef jerky when you go in and we'll call it even." Dean told him. Sam smiled softly. "Ok." He said softly. He headed inside and Dean sighed as he filled up the car. He'd have a lot more talking to do with Sam. A lot more explaining about things. And talk about 'them'. If there even was a 'them'. Dean knew he liked Sam. He felt the feeling was mutual but with everything that had happened to Sam he wasn't sure what the best way was to go about this. He'd give Sam space of course, not try to jump into bed with him when they got to the bunker. He just wanted to make sure they would be on the same page.

Sam came back out with some snacks. He handed Dean his change. Dean didn't argue, he took it, thanking Sam. "Why don't you out the snacks in the car? I wanna talk to you for a second." Dean told him. Sam nodded, tensing slightly. Dean thought it would be better to talk to him out in public then in the car, he wanted Sam to not feel as confined, it would be better in an open space. Sam put the snacks inside and moved to stand next to Dean, leaning against the side of the car. Dean smiled softly. "I just thought we should talk some things over before going back to the bunker." Dean told him. "Like.. the rules?" Sam asked a bit nervously. Dean smiled softly. "Not really rules." He said softly. "Just some things I'd like you to know." He told him gently. "Like for starters. You are welcome to stay with me as long as you want. If that ends up being two months, six months, a year, multiple years, that's all fine with me." Dean said, watching Sam relax, smiling softly. "However, if at any point you want to leave, you want a normal life, a real job, a normal house or apartment, then that's ok too. I will help you move, help you find a place to live. I guess what I'm trying to say is, my home is your home. Stay as long or as little as you want, but you are free to leave at any time. I don't ever want you to feel trapped with me." Dean said. Sam smiled softly. Glancing at Dean. "Thank you Dean really that... that means a lot to me." Sam said. "If it's ok, I just want to stay with you for now." "It's more then ok." Dean said, reaching between them to grab Sams hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm really glad you decided to come with me."

Sam smiled softly. Glancing down at their hands and then back up at Dean. "I am too." He said softly. "I really really do. I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you for everything you're doing for me." Dean shook his head. "Sam.. I don't want you to repay me. I want you safe, I want you to feel safe. To be happy and make your own choices. I care about you Sam." Dean said softly. Sam blushed, he felt something, something he hadn't felt when he was with Zeke. "I care about you too." Sam said. Dean knew things had to be slow between them, at least for now. He wouldn't rush things like normal. This wasn't a one night stand. This wasn't a fling. This was someone he had come to care about over the course of a few months. Someone he was talking home with him. Not a motel room, home. The bunker. It was going to be new to both of them. Dean moved to stand in front of Sam. Pulling him down into a kiss. Sams face flushed but he didn't hesitate to kiss Dean back. Sam slowly lifted his hand to rest on Deans cheek. Sam pressed closer, deepening the kiss. Dean smiled against his lips, pulling back slowly. Licking his lips. "We should probably get back on the road." Dean said. "Yeah, uh.. yeah we should.. we should do that." Sam stuttered. Dean chuckled softly. "Hey.." He said gently cupping Sams cheek, brushing his thumb lightly against it. "It's ok.. we're ok." He said softly. He hoped Sam knew that, he really did. He wanted this with Sam, he just didn't want to overstep anything. Sam smiled, face still flushed. He nodded. "We're ok." Sam said. Dean smiled, leaning up to quickly kiss Sams cheek. Another thing he would have to get used to. Sam was tall and even though he had been with guys, he'd been with no one taller then him. "Get in the car, don't touch the radio." Dean said, walking to the drivers side. He heard Sam laugh softly as he got inside. Dean got in, turning on his music, and pulling onto the road. This was one journey he was looking forward too. Both of them were.


Well the story ends here... or does it?

Originally I was just going to write Dean getting Sam away from his abusive life, but now... now I really want to write another fanfic. Sam seeing the bunker, getting used to a different life, being domestic and all that shit. Would anyone be interested in a part two fanfic? Open to different ideas and chapters.

Oh and I really hope you all enjoyed this work. ❤️

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