The Truth

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Dean ran out, no time to plan ahead, for now he needed to take it head on. He tackled one vampire to the ground, pulling him off of Sam. Dean got the vamp to the ground with a grunt. He raised his machete, making quick work of the vampire. Cutting his head off. He quickly got up facing Sam and the other vamp, who was holding Sams head back by his hair, and holding a knife to his neck. "One more move and he dies!" The vampire spat out. Dean stood there, eyes on Sam assessing the situation. Sam was tied to a chair, his arm, and head bleeding. It didn't look bad, not yet anyway, but Dean had no idea how much blood he had lost. Sam breathing was erratic. His eyes wides and panicked as he looked at the older man. "D-Dean?" Sams voice was soft, confused. Dean felt bad he didn't get here sooner. Dean had his arms up, machete still in hand. "Let him go." Dean said.

The vampire growled. "I let him go you kill me." The vampire said. "Yeah well you kill him, I kill you. Either way you lose." Dean told him. There was no other way around this. He should've planned better for this.The vampire snarled at Dean, pulling on Sams hair, making him whimper softly. "Well I'm taking him with me then.." The vampire pulled the knife away from Sams throat for a split second and that was all Dean needed. He threw his machete at the vamp, it caught on his hand, pinning him to the barn wall. Sams body jerked, gasping softly as he was let go of. Dean picked up the vampires knife, walking over to the vampire. Dean pinned his other hand to the wall, ready for this to end. "No. You're the only one going." Dean stated, jaw clenched. He pulled his machete from the vamps hand and wall, ignoring the growls as he decapitated the last vamp.

"Fucking bastard." Dean mumbled. He made his way back to Sam, crouching down and letting his machete fall. "Hey, hey you with me?" Dean asked softly. Sams eyes were wide. His breathing still heavy. "Dean? They were.. they.. what.. what was that?" His voice panicked as Dean started to untie him. "Relax ok Sam? Breathe." Dean said. "Did they hurt you Real bad? They didn't make you drink their blood did they?" The last thing he needed was for this man to turn into a vampire. "Drink their.. what? Dean, what the fuck is going on? Who were.. what were they?" Sam asked, voice panicked and shaking. "Hey... hey.." Dean cupped his cheek, turning Sams head to meet his eye. Partially to calm his, partially to check for a concussion. He didn't see any signs but he still wasn't sure how much blood Sam lost. "Deep breaths. It's ok now, they're dead. You're safe Sam." He said, eyes locked on Sams. Sams breathing slowed but Dean could still see the panic in his eyes. "How did you.. how did you know? How did you find me?" Sam asked. Dean slowly stood, gently grabbing Sams arms, helping him up, watching Sam sway a bit on his feet. "Let's get you out of here first, make sure you're ok. I'll answer your questions back at the motel alright?" Dean said, guiding Sam to the door. Sam nodded slightly, still in shock. This was the part Dean hated. Sams life would never be the same again, but Sam had seen and heard to much, and he didn't think he could bring himself to lie to the man. It wasn't gonna be a fun night.

Dean walked Sam outside to his car slowly. Sam was still in shock and seemed a bit out of it. Dean opened the passenger side door once they got there. "Alright, just sit here for a second ok? And watch your head." Dean said as Sam moved himself to sit down. Dean went around to the trunk to grab the first aid kit. None of Sams injuries looked that serious but he didn't like all the blood he was seeing. He walked back to the passenger side and crouched down by Sam. "Let's check out that arm." Dean said, reaching to grab the arm that had been cut. Sam jerked his arm back, flinching slightly. Dean froze, hand in mid air. "Whoa, hey. Easy there." Dean said softly. He probably should've been more careful, he didn't know the full extent to Sams trauma yet. "I'm just looking at it ok? That's all. You're ok now Sam, you're safe." Dean told him. Sam looked down at Dean, eyes searching. After a few deep breaths he slowly moved his arm back out towards Dean. "Thank you." Dean said, gently grabbing his arm to get a better look at it. "Well it doesn't look that deep, and I don't think he hit any main arteries. But you'll probably need a few stitches." Dean said and Sam winced. "Lucky me." Sam mumbled. "Hey, you are lucky. Could've been a lot worse you know." Dean said, taking some gauze to wrap his arm up for now. "You could've been one of the bodies I get called about." Dean said standing up. "I'll fix you back up at the motel." Sam furrowed his brow. "So you're FBI and a doctor?" He asked looking up at Dean. Dean sighed. "I'm neither, I'll explain more later." Dean said, gently shutting the passenger door and walking to the drivers side.

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