The Search

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Dean started up the impala, speeding out of the parking lot. He pulled out his phone, putting in Sams number and calling him. He put the phone up to his ear, listening to it ring. It then went to voicemail. Dean silently cursed before hearing the beep from the machine and leaving a message. "Hey Sam this is Dean, we met at the bar. I have a few more questions for you. It's pretty important, so if you could call back as soon as you get that I would really appreciate it. Talk to ya soon." Dean said and hung up, tossing his phone into the passenger seat. Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe Sam was perfectly fine. But Dean really couldn't ignore his gut feeling. It was hardly ever wrong. Instead of going ball to the motel he drove back to the outskirts of town, checking the places that hadn't been visited by the vamps yet. He waited at one of the barns for two hours before calling it quits. Frustrated, he went back into the impala, throwing the weapons in the trunk and slamming it shut, he'd apologize to baby later for it. He got into the drivers seat groaning. Time to pick a different place. Hopefully the right one. He took off down the road, another long drive ahead of him. He just hoped He'd pick the right one.

Dean stomped out of the abandoned warehouse three hours later. Another fucking dead end. He couldn't understand why he wasn't picking up on anything, why he wasn't able to find the vampires. It was late, or early, who the hell knew anymore. Almost five am and Dean was back in baby. Sighing loudly and rubbing his hands over his face. It was time to regroup, to rethink things. He started the long drive back to the motel, thinking of Sam the entire time. He didn't know why he felt so attached the Sam. He had always cared for victims and people in town he talked to, that's just the way Dean was. Always caring and looking out for people. Protective at heart. He just didn't know why he felt so strongly for Sam. The guy was nice yeah. He was hoping to hook up with him yeah. He thought that about a lot of people he had crossed paths with. So what was it about this man that had him so worried, so stressed over his disappearance, when in reality things could be fine with Sam. Dean got to the hotel and sighed, he didn't need the added stress on top of this case. He would treat Sam like any other victim.. at least that's what he told himself as he pulled out his phone to call Sam again. Leaving another message. "Hey Sam it's Dean again. I really need to talk to you. If you could call back that would be great. It's about the case I was telling you about... please call as soon as you get this. Thanks, bye." Dean hung up again and sighed. He set an alarm on his phone, he wouldn't sleep long. He had vampires to kill, and a bartender to save.

Dean woke up after a few hours of sleep. He wouldn't let himself get a lot, but still enough to function and figure things out. First on todays to do list was coffee, second was to backtrack this entire case and look at it from a new perspective. So that's exactly what Dean did. He went out to grab some coffee and breakfast, came back and locked himself in the motel room. He pulled out files, locations, information on the victims, everything he had. He spent all morning going through them, reading them. Trying to see if he could go about this another way. If Sam was the victim he didn't have a lot of time left. The bodies showed up four days apart, one day was gone. He had three days left, only if the vampire didn't speed up the killing process. He pulled out his phone again, no calls, texts, or voicemails. He called Sam again. "Hey Sam... it's me again... Listen I'm worried about you man, you weren't at the bar and haven't been returning my calls. Even if you're busy I'd just really like you to call me even for a minute. I'll try you again later.. Please call me Sam." Dean hung up the phone. Looking over the papers and notes he had scattered all over the table. He was gonna need a lot more caffeine.

It was starting to get dark, Dean was still going over things. He was starting to get an idea of how the case was going, taking Sams advice and looking at this differently. The vampires were smart so he would have to be smarter. He headed out to the car, he had some driving to do. It wouldn't be far though, he wasn't going to keep driving in circles around the edges of town. He'd do things differently. He drove to the dump site. Getting out and looking around, but not where the bodies were, he went a bit further out to the surrounding woods. He found what looked like a small path. An off road path, and tire tracks. Bingo. He went back to the car, grabbing what he needed from the trunk. He returned to the path and followed them into the woods. This, this was different. Vampires avoided the center of town. They would hide on the outskirts, abandoned and away from the public. Now this was a wooded area, But it wasn't big, And it was in the middle of town. Could they really have been here all along?

After following the path Dean came up to a house. It wasn't run down, but didn't look lived in. Well, not until he saw a light in the window and a truck parked right outside the house. Was this really it? He crept closer. Machete in hand, staying quiet, trying to see if he could hear voices from inside. He got to the side of the house and stopped. Not to far off there was a small barn further back. Dean glanced at it and then at the house. "Shit." He mumbled, noticing a light shinning from underneath the closed barn doors. Someone was home and up. He had a bad feeling about this place. But was it really enough to go on? A house in the middle of the woods. It would very well just be an old couple who had lived here their whole lives and didn't want to move.. "AAAH FUCK!" Deans attention was snapped back over to the shed. Well screaming was certainly enough probable cause for him. He quickly crept over to the barn.

Dean moved around the outside walls of the barn. It was old and a bit run down, but not completely falling apart. He stopped and peaked through cracks of the wooden walls, trying to see in. He could hear voices a lot more clearly now. "What the hell are you? Stay away from me!" The calling again. Sam? Dean couldn't see the man, or anyone else, but he recognized the voice. It had to be him. He crept around the outside, trying to find a better vantage point. trying to fond somewhere to get in. He could hear the voices.. they were muffled, but he could still make things out. "Oh don't you worry about us, you sure be more worried about yourself." "Man why can't we just kill him now. I'm hungry! That last guy didn't last long enough." "Patience. I have a feeling this one will last." Both voices were male and sinister, Dean had definitely found them. "What the hell does that mean? Last long enough for what?" Sams voice sounded panicked, scared. Dean wished nothing more then to get in there and end it but he couldn't go in blind. "For us to be satisfied." There was laughing. "You see we like our food fresh.. not dead, blood tastes better fresh.. and when there's a fight. You can taste the adrenalin pumping through you." More laughing. "You sick freaks! Let me go!" More laughing. "Oh no.. you're not going anywhere.. I think it's time for a snack." There was some growling and Dean heard Sam yelling, struggling. "What the.. Ah! Get off! Fuck!" Dean took this chance to pull a loose board from the wall, squeezing into the building. They didn't plan on killing Sam yet, but Dean couldn't take their word for it. This had to end now.


Cliffhanger! Oops! Hope you guys like it anyway. Let me know what you think!

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