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Dean stayed at the bar for another hour, talking to Sam. He liked the man although it was hard getting Sam to talk about himself. Dean could tell right off the bat that Sam was a very guarded person. He only knew that Sam had lived in town for about five years with his boyfriend, worked at the bar, and was twenty nine years old, only a few years younger then himself. He pulled out his wallet with a sigh, grabbing some money. "I should head back now. Got some more files to look over." Dean said. "I thought you were off duty." Sam said walking over towards Dean. "Eh, you're never really off duty when working a case." Dean said, handing Sam some money. Sam nodded. "I'll get your change." Sam told him. Dean waved his hand as he got up. "Keep it." Dean said, pulling his keys out of the pocket. Sam looked at the money a bit confused and back at Dean. "This is an eighteen dollar tip." He told Dean. "I know how to do math." Dean said. "Besides it's slow, I doubt you'll make a lot tonight, and you had to put up with all my questions." Dean reasoned. Sam smiled shaking his head. "How thoughtful." Dean smiled and grabbed something out of his pocket. "You can take this too." He said, sliding it across the bar to Sam. Sam picked it up and looked it over, practically snorting. "Your number? Really?" He asked holding up the card. "I told you man I have a boyfriend." Sam told him. Dean shook his head smiling softly. "Ah, no it's more a business card. You know in case you see or find someone unusual hanging around. You weren't very helpful tonight." Dean teased lightly. Sam froze for a second. Opening his mouth and closing it, looking shocked and a bit embarrassed. Dean spoke up again as Sam stuttered, feeling a bit bad for the frazzled bartender. "Hey man I'm teasing. No one in town knows anything. Just call me if you hear something ok?" He said. Sam recovered and nodded. "Uh. Y-yeah. I uh, I will." He said nodding. "Thanks. I'll visiting some other bars, probably be in town for a few days at least. I'm sure I'll see you around." Dean said, with that, turning to walk out of the bar. "Uh ye.. see yeah." He heard Sam stutter out as he exited the bar. Dean couldn't help but smile to himself. A part of him felt bad for the guy, but the card was strictly for business. Well, at least that's what he told Sam.

Over the next few days Dean cased out different bars. Asking questions, and getting shit for answers. He also drove around town. Checking abandoned buildings, trying to find traces of vampires. No luck. He was starting to get aggravated. He didn't know what he was missing or why there were no more obvious leads. Usually cases like this he would have finished in days. He'd pack up and leave, but here he was. Sitting in his motel room no closer to finding the vamps than he was three days earlier when he first arrived. He slid the files across the table, rubbing his hands over his face. "Fuck." He mumbled moving over towards the bed, stripping his clothes off as he went. He got into bed, just in his boxers, sighing softly and closing his eyes. He'd have to rethink this, try to sleep and look things over in the morning. He quickly fell asleep.

Dean awoke before the sun did, which really wasn't fucking cool at all. His phone ringing persistently. He groaned, reaching over, hitting the bedside table a few times before finding his phone. He answered it, stretching in bed. "'Ello?.." He mumbled into the phone. "Agent Smith?" A voice over the phone asked. "Uh yeah.." Dean mumbled, more awake. "Who's this?" "This is Morgan, sorry if I woke you agent, but I thought you'd like to know we've found another body, not far off from where the last victim was found." Dean let out a deep breath. Fuck. He really needed to get his shit together, otherwise more people were gonna die. "I can be there in twenty." Dean told him and hung up the phone. A small part of Dean wished he had help on this case. However calling and waiting for other people would just take up to much time. He had to pull himself together and figure this out.

He made it to the dump site of the victims about a half hour later. Meeting with Morgan, crouched by the body. "Looks like the animals got to this one." Morgan said. Dean nodded slowly and looked over the body. Their were bites on the body and from first glance none looked out of the ordinary for animals. Until Dean glances over again, looking closer at a bite on the shoulder. Definitely a vampire. "Looks like it." Dean said, covering the body and standing back up. "Another male, same age range. Looks like we got us a serial killer with preferences." Dean thought about it, the vampires probably picked these males for a reason. The were all in a decent age range and in good shape, Maybe the vamps liked the fight. "Looks like it. I'll look up this guys file and see what matches the others." Dean said, making some more small talk before heading back to the station. This wasn't good. He needed to find these vampires and end them. He didn't want more people dying on his watch.

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