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"I said take your shirt off." Dean told him. Sam sat there on the bed, shocked. He hadn't been expecting this from Dean. "I.. why? Why do you want that?" Sam stuttered out. "Uh, well because you were just held captive by vampires, and I need to make sure you're ok." Dean said. Sam relaxed slightly. But still shook his head. "I'm fine, I promise. My arm was the worst." Sam assured him. Dean shook his head and crossed his arms. "Yeah that's not gonna cut it." Dean told him. "You didn't even feel that cut on your head. I need to check the rest of you out. Now, shirt. Off." Dean said. More concerned then anything. Sam narrowed his eyes. "I said no." Sam told him, jaw clenched. "Sam, what's the big deal? Just take you shirt off and let me look you over really quick." Dean told him. "I already said no. I can take care of myself Dean. Just because you want me naked doesn't mean you can use this as an excuse to undress me." Sam said standing up, almost sizing Dean up. Dean clenched his jaw. That might've been true, that earlier he was hoping to hook up with Sam, to get with him. But this was a serious situation, and Sam could be hurt in more places. "If that was true I would've kept you tied up and had my way with you." Dean shot back, jaw clenched. Sams face fell slightly, looking down at the ground. Dean didn't ease up. "Now take your damn shirt off or I'll take it off myself." Dean told him. Sam was still tense, he looked up at Dean, eyes locking. Sam didn't see himself winning this argument. Sam sighed softly, he slowly pulled off his long sleeved shirt, revealing his entire front torso to Dean. Deans eyes immediately widened, inhaling deeply as he looked Sam over. There were bruises all over Sams body from what Dean could see.

"The vampires roughed me up a bit. It's not bad, I just didn't want you to worry." Sam rambled off while Deans eyes moved over Sams body. "Turn." Dean said. Sam looked up at him. "What?" Sam asked, a bit concerned. "Turn, spin, let me see your back." Dean said, standing there, unmoving. Arms crossed over his chest. Sam hesitated and slowly turned around. Dean looked over his entire body. Yes there were bruises, that seemed to be the extent of it like Sam said. However, Dean knew what to look for, and knew Sam was lying. The bruises on his body were in different stages. Some were fading, some were newer, a lot were purple and blue, some were sporting hints of yellow. Deans jaw clenched as Sam finished his slow spin, facing Dean again. "Where did those come from?" Dean asked. He could see Sams body tense. "I told you... the vampires.." Sam said softly. "Don't even Sam. That's not the truth and you know it." Dean told him. "It is the truth." Sam argued back. "Bullshit!" Dean yelled. Sam flinched, Dean noticed but was to angry at the moment to care much about it. "You're lying. A lot of those are old and healing, but there's a lot Sam." Dean said, eyes locking on Sams face. Sam wouldn't meet his eye. "Whats going on Sam? Who's hurting you?" Dean asked. Sam stuttered and shrugged, head still down. "I got jumped a while ago." He mumbled, "It's not a big deal." "Bullshit! Some of those are old but some are newer, don't lie to me." Dean said, getting more pissed by the second.

"Why do you even care?" Sam asked, finally looking at Dean. "Why wouldn't I care? Someones hurting you." "So?" Sam asked. "So what? You don't even know me. Why do you care? Just drop it." Sam told him. "I'm not dropping this! This.." Dean said motioning to Sams bruised chest. " not ok! So don't just brush it off like it's no big deal. You have bruises everywhere." Sam had them all over. His chest, abdomen, back, shoulders, biceps, all places that could be easily hidden. "Who's dong this to you?" Dean asked. Sam crossed his arms and looked away from Dean. Silence. "Is it one of your coworkers?" Dean asked. Sam huffed shaking his head. "No. No, it's no one Dean." Sam said, but Dean wasn't buying it. "One of your friends?" Dean asked, Sam shook his head not looking at Dean. Dean was quiet for a moment. "Your boyfriend?" Dean asked. Sam was quiet. Very quiet. He didn't move or look at Dean. "Your boyfriend... he's doing this to you." Dean said. Sams head dropped, facing the ground. "He.. oh I'm gonna kill him." Dean was pissed, Sam was being abused by his boyfriend and he was going to put an end to it. "You don't even know him." Sam said. Deans head snapped over, looking at Sam.

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