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Once Dean left the bar he got into the impala and drove towards the edge of town. He wanted to check some of the abandoned places again. Maybe he missed something. Maybe Sam was right and he did need to rethink things. Dean was looking for evidence of a vampire nest. Clothes, blood, chains, ropes, blood, any signs that people had been there. He got to a barn and parked on the side of the road. He headed inside, weapons in hand. He was quiet as he crept inside. He didn't see or hear anything. He chanced using his flashlight and checked out every corner of the barn. Nothing. He sighed deeply. ."What the fuck am I doing?" He mumbled, kicking some hay around. He stopped for a second. kicked more hay to the side. "What the hell..." He crouched down to take a closer look. Dried blood on the ground. He pointed his flashlight around again. Staying quiet, still no sig of any other being in the room. "They were here.. They'll be back.. no.." Dean sighed again. "It's different, they're different.. playing smart.." Dean mumbled softly to himself. Thinking about this differently. Usually vampires made one place theirs, the nest, however, it probably wasn't the case this time. "They're moving around... jumping from place to place.. and cleaning up as they go." Dean said softly. So the vampires had been here, but they wouldn't come back. They would set up some place different with their next victim. "Well this fucking complicates things." Dean mumbled, heading back out of the barn. It would be hard to find where they were staying, but at least he could narrow it down. "This is gonna be a long night." Dean mumbled, shutting the impala door. He had a lot of places to check out.

By the time Dean got back to his motel room hours later, it was almost four in the morning. He had checked out four other places very carefully, only finding one other place the vampires had been at after closer inspection. Dean plopped down onto his bed with a groan. "I need a fucking vacation." Hr grumbled. Unlacing and tossing his boots down. He laid back in bed. not bothering to undress or get under his covers. He was beat. This case should've been so simple. He should've had things wrapped up days ago, but he didn't. Maybe it was time for a break, or an actual vacation. Or maybe he was just losing it. Dean sighed deeply rubbing his hands over his face. He should've caught things before the last victim, he didn't want anyone else to die. He wouldn't let anyone else die. At least Sam gave him some good advice. It helped a lot more than Dean wanted to admit. It just really sucked that he had a boyfriend.. well maybe not. He didn't seem that against Dean visiting tomorrow night. Dean closed his eyes and smiled. Yeah, seeing Sam would help him. Maybe he could get some more advice out of the bartender. He couldn't wait.

Dean slept in the next morning. Not bothering to get out of Bed until close to 10am. He took a quick shower and headed out to a nearby diner for breakfast. Thinking over the case most of the day. He knew the vampires would take a new victim soon since they dumped their other body, if they hadn't already. He would just have to try and find the place they were hiding out in sooner. He knew of a few possible places but would have to check every night and every so often to be sure. He ate his brunch and headed back out to do some more investigating. He drove to the edge of town checking out a few more places. He found one more place the vampire had been at and two more possible places they would visit in the future. After a long day of driving Dean went back to his motel room to change. He put on clothes that were a but nicer, a nice pair of jeans and a Henley shirt. Sam seemed to open up to him more last night, maybe tonight Sam could forget about his boyfriend and have some fun. He went back to the impala and drove to the bar, thinking about how good tonight would be.

He parked the car and headed into the bar. It wasn't that late so the bar wasn't to crowded. He did a quick scan of the people there, talking laughing drinking, nothing unusual. He then went up to the bar, as he got closer he had to hide a frown seeing someone else behind the bar. He moved to take his usual seat and the man walked over towards him. "How are you doing tonight?" He asked. "Good." Dean said nodding. "That's good, can I get you something to drink?" The different bartender asked him. "Yeah uh, I'll just have a beer." Dean said. The new bartender nodded and got one for him, handing it to him. Dean thanked him. drinking some, before the man walked away Dean couldn't help but ask. "Is uh.. Is Sam working tonight?" The man chuckled. "I wish, it was supposed to be my night off." The bartender told him. "What do you mean?" Dean asked, slowly getting a bad feeling. "He never showed up." The bartender shrugged. "It's unusual, he never misses a day of work. Always shows up on time." The bartender said. Dean nodded slowly, the bad feeling getting worse by the second. "You try calling him?" Dean asked. "Yeah, a few times, he hasn't picked up." Dean thought for a moment. This didn't feel right. A bigger part of him felt like the man was in danger.

"Well I was hoping to see him tonight." Dean said pulling out his fake FBI badge. "I'm in town helping out on the case, I had some questions for Sam." Dean said showing him the badge. "Oh shit. Is Sam a suspect?" The man asked. Dean shook his head. "No, It was just a few routine questions. Some of the victims hung out at this bar. I just had some follow up questions and he said he'd be here tonight." Dean told him. The man nodded. "You think he's in trouble now?" The bartender asked. 'Yes!' Dean wanted to yell. Sam fight the description for the victims. Age, gender and build wise, things were looking worse by the second. Sam could be the newest victim. "It's a possibility. You think you can give me his information? At least his number so I can try and reach him." Dean said. The bartender nodded and pulled out his phone, giving Dean Sams number. Dean thanked him and got up. "I should head out. If Sams missing work because of this case the cops should know." He said. The bartender nodded. "Hope you find him." He said, Dean was already halfway out of the bar. He hoped so too. He wouldn't let Sam be a victim. He wouldn't let that man die.


Short chapter tonight. Sorry It's not longer but I wanted to post something. Please let me know what you think! ❤️

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