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Dean didn't drive back to the bunker, not right away. He wanted to stay close to Sam in case anything happened. He drove a few hours and got a motel room. Then traveled a bit further and stayed in the next state over. He settled into a motel and did some research on the area. He found a hunt, a few hunts, and that's what he did. Stayed in different motels about a days drive away from where Sam was. Over the course of two months Dean had done three simple hunts. He had just finished a simple salt and burn and arrived back at the motel he was staying at. He went to go shower. His mind would still go to Sam. Still worried about him. Dean had almost called him a few times, just wanting to check up, to see if he was ok, but he doubted Sam would tell him the truth even if he asked. He sighed as he finished his shower. He dried off, slipped on some boxers and got into bed early. Tomorrow he would go home. Go back to the bunker. He had been away for a long time and it was time to put some distance between him and Sam. He turned off the lights and laid down. He'd leave in the morning. Or at least he thought he would.

Dean had barely even fell asleep when the sound of his phone woke him up. He groaned, sitting up in bed, rubbing his hand over his face. He grabbed the phone off of the nightstand, squinting at the number calling him. He didn't recognize it, but he couldn't let a possible hunt get away from him. "'Hello?" Dean mumbled into the phone, it was getting late and he needed sleep in order to drive home in the morning if this call was nothing. He didn't hear any voices, could barely make out someone breathing on the other end of the line. "Who is this?" Dean asked, voice still mumbled, he didn't have time for this. More silence. Dean sighed. "I'm really not in the mood for some prank call so late at.." "Dean?" The quiet voice snapped Dean out of it, his body tensing. "Sam?" He was instantly wide awake. Entire body on alert. "Dean?" Sams voice was shaky, quiet. Dean was up and out of bed before his mind even registered what was going on. "Sam what's going on?" Dean asked, body on auto pilot, shoving his clothes into his duffle bag. He could hear Sams shaky breathing on the other side of the phone. "I... I didn't know who else to call." Sams voice was still quiet, broken. "Sam where are you?" Dean asked, packing up the last of his clothes, he put Sam on speaker as he started to get dressed. "I... I got a room.. at that motel.." Sams voice broke. "I.. I'm sorry, I know it's late.." "Sam are you ok?" Dean didn't want to cut Sam off but hearing he had actually gotten a room worried Dean. Something had to of happened.

"Are you alone?" Dean asked again. "Yes." Sams voice broke and Dean heard a soft cry. "I know it's late and you're probably at home, I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake or bother you.." Sam sniffled. Deans heart broke and anger started to rise. "Did he hurt you?" Dean finished dressing, lacing up his boots. There was silence over Sams end of the phone, Dean took that as a yes. "Sam did he hit you?" Dean asked. He hated this, almost expected Sam to start defending him again. It didn't matter though, Deans mind was made up. "Yes." Sam whispered over the phone. Dean grabbed his bags and the phone, holding it up to his ear again. "Sam does he know where you are?" Dean asked, on his way out to the car, packing it up, he wouldn't even bother checking out, he had to leave. "No. He doesn't know. He... he's tried calling me but I don't.." "Don't answer." Dean said quickly. "Sam listen to me, you stay there aright? Don't answer anyones calls. What's your room number?" Dean asked starting up the car. "Fourteen." Sam said softly. Dean nodded and bit his lip. Wishing he was closer. "Ok. I'm gonna be there in a few hours, before sunrise ok? Anything happens, he comes around, you call me ok? Just stay in the room and don't talk to anyone else ok?" Dean said, already putting baby in gear, pulling out of the parking lot. "Ok." Sam said, Dean could still hear his shaky breathing. "Before morning ok? I'm gonna be there." Dean promised. "Ok." Sam said again softly. "I'll see you soon Sam." Dean said. "Thank you Dean." Sam whispered. "Don't thank me Sam.. I'll be there soon." Dean hung up before he could say anything else, speeding down the road. Two things had to happen. Sam had to be helped, anyway Dean could offer. The second, Zeke had to pay for putting his hands on Sam. That couldn't be avoided.

Dean drove for hours non stop. All except to fill up with gas occasionally. From his motel he was at least a good eight hours drive away from Sam. But with speeding and no stops to eat he got there in under seven hours. He worried about Sam the entire time. He let his anger rise as he drove, slamming the steering wheel a few times, blaming himself for leaving, cursing out loud at nothing, wishing he would've done something to that son of a bitch when he was there earlier, he let it all out. But as he got closer to Sam he cooled down, told himself he had to. Sam couldn't see him that way, mad, yelling, losing his temper. Who knows what else Zeke had done to him. The entire drive was agony, but Dean finally arrived, before sunrise like he promised. It was pushing five in the morning when Dean parked his car, almost sprinting down to where Sams room was. He didn't bother to grab his bags, he just needed to get to the room. He found the room number, stopping in front of the door and taking a few deep breaths. He knocked, not that hard, but hard enough to hopefully wake Sam if he was sleeping. There was no answer for a moment and Dean got worried, ready to knock again and call out Sams name, but he heard noise. A chain moving, a lock clicking, and the door slowly creaked open.

Dean looked up as Sam opened the door. Sam looked exhausted, upset, and scared. Dean wanted to take all those feelings away. He wanted to take Sam far away from from here, keep him safe. Sam let out a deep breath, some tension leaving his body. "You're here.." Sam said softly, almost like he didn't believe Dean would be there. Sam stepped back and Dean didn't hesitate to walk into the motel, eyes quickly scanning over Sams face. He didn't see any visible damage but that didn't mean that he wasn't badly hurt. "Of course I'm here." Dean said. "I told you I would be. You did the right thing." Dean said. Sam nodded slightly, biting his lip, his eyes filling with tears. Deans heart broke. He opened up his arms and stepped closer to Sam. Sam instantly moved to Dean, arms wrapping around him, gripping onto the back of Deans shirt. Sam couldn't help but let out a soft sob. Dean wrapped his arms around Sam, hugging him back. "Oh Sammy... I'm so sorry." Dean whispered, gently rubbing Sams back. Sam folded himself against Dean. Even with Sam being taller then Dean, he somehow felt small in his arms, he felt safe. He cried into Deans shoulder. "I'm so fucking stupid." He cried, words muffled by Deans shoulder. Dean held him tighter. Sam seemed to realize now what was really going on. "Shh it's not your fault." Dean said softly, feeling Sam shake against him. They stood there, Sam crying, Dean holding him, rubbing his back, just trying to comfort him. "I don't have anyone." Sam mumbled. Dean couldn't even imagine how alone Sam felt. His boyfriend, hopefully now ex, was a controlling bastard. "Come on, let's lay down." Dean said softly.

Dean was able to guide Sam over to the bed, Sam laid down and Dean followed, they both laid on a side of the bed, facing each other. Sam was more calm but his breathing was still shaky. Dean Slowly raised his hand, trying not to scare Sam, gently carding his fingers through Sams long hair. he felt Sam instantly relax under the touch, he smiled softly. Knowing he could bring some sort of comfort to Sam was a relief. Anger still burned inside of him. He wanted Zeke to pay. Wanted to beat the living shit out of him. He didn't deserve to walk around with no repercussions. He needed to pay, and he'd be the one to do it. "Don't leave." Sam whispered, Dean looked at him, fingers still in Sams hair. "Please." Dean felt torn, he was planning to leave as soon as Sam fell asleep, to show that piece of shit what he deserved. One look at Sams face was enough to change that. Sam looked so worn out, tired, and still scared. Dean couldn't risk leaving. "I'm not going anywhere." Dean said softly. Hand sliding from Sams hair to his cheek, gently rubbing it. Sam closed his eyes, melting into the mattress. "Sleep." Dean whispered, hand cupping Sams face. Sam didn't say anything else, soon soft snores came out of his mouth. Dean watched him for a moment. He felt so protective over him. "I'm never leaving you." Dean whispered and closed his own eyes. Allowing sleep to come to him. "I'm not leaving without you."


Dean to the rescue ❤️

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