Prologue - part 2 (The killing game returns)

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**I do not own any of these characters or scenarios. All rights go to Spike Chunsoft and Kazutaka Kodaka**

(Third Person POV)

As everyone walked to the gym, a feeling of uneasiness draped over everyone as they got closer. Nobody was in a very light hearted mood, except of course, Ibuki, Kokichi, and Angie, who were being themselves. As they got to the door, they all exchanged looks before entering.

The room was empty. There was nothing but chairs and a podium on top of a stage. All of a sudden, a familiar voice filled the room

"Welcome, welcome, everyone! Thank you for coming today! I hope you had a wonderful time participating! Sadly, you didn't make it to the end, but worry not! I will give you a second chance!"

the room suddenly went dark, and a single light lit up the podium area..................

A black and white bear suddenly popped up onto the podium, with a stylish pose

"Monokuma returns! Back to make you sad sacks live a little!"

Most everyone in the crowd besides Angie and Kokichi were slowly backing away, not willing to go through another killing game. Before they could leave, the door suddenly got blocked off by a metal door, dropping down

"Oh nonononono, I see what you are doing. You didn't let me finish. All of you previously participated in a killing game, and in one way or another, fell victim to another student. Sad to say, but I will help you! We are going to play a second round! You all know the rules, but I will reiterate them! For someone to leave, they must commit a murder, and get away with it! Once a murder happens, a class trial will commence, and if the blackened killer is discovered, you will all live! But if you pick incorrectly, only the blackened will be allowed to escape! How does that sound?"

Taka stepped forward

"Are you serious!? We won't participate in this again! We did it once! What more do you want with us?"

Sakura, also stepped forward

"More importantly, how did you revive us? Since you said all of us previously participated in a killing game, we have all died. If so, how did you revive us?"

"Hehehe, trade secrets! Nobody will be allowed to know!"

Nekomaru, pent up with anger, rushed at him


"Tut tut! do you really think you are going to try to harm me?"

Suddenly, multiple large gun barrels appear from the sides of the stage, and focus on Nekomaru

"Take another step, and they will begin fire!"

Nekomaru, seeing the danger, backed away in defeat

"Anyway, to get everything started, I will provide a motive!"

Monokuma pulled out a box that had a slot in the top

There will be a bell in each of your rooms! When you ring it during nighttime, you may submit a murder plan, and the supplies you need will be provided! Everyone's doors will be locked when it turns nighttime, and the one who submitted the murder's door, along with the targeted person's doors will be unlocked! The doors can only be unlocked with my permission, or by the person who owns the room themselves! It won't work if the person who owns the room is dead! Also, if the person who submitted the murder plan doesn't fall through with killing someone, they will be immediately executed the following day!"

Everyone there was still shocked. It was only when Miu stepped forward when the silence was broken

"question. Why the fuck do you think we'll do this again!?"

"Because I know how much your lives mean to you......................................well, most of you"

As he said this, he turned to Ryoma

"Anyway, anything can go when it comes to murder, so get real creative!"

Monokuma soon disappeared, leaving the 16 students to themselves. Chihiro felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach, as his knees wobble, and give out, leaving him to start sobbing, not willing to go through another killing game

"Why...................why again? I don't want to. I barely got through one class trial.....................................if anyone is thinking of murder, get me first. I don't want to go through this again"

Sakura and Taka went over an comforted their green clad friend

"Well.............................if you'e offering"

Everyone turned to the short, purple haired psychopath, Kokichi

"I'm willing to put you out of your misery, nishishi!"

Taka immediately stood up and confronted him

"how dare you say that!"

"She said she doesn't want to live anymore, so I'm willing to help her out!"

Sakura still was comforting him

"Listen, Chihiro, I understand how you feel. There there"

His crying was getting a bit softer, and he slowly blacked out

Chihiro woke up in a white room. a table with a small laptop was across from him. He was looking around, seeing he was on a bed with a green blanket. Getting up, he made his way out of the room, and saw Taka waiting outside nearby

"Chihiro! Thank goodness your okay! Sakura took you here after you fainted. are you feeling fine now?"

"Not really...................We are still in this killing game.................."

"I know, I know, but I promise to keep you safe. I really do. Nothing will happen to you once I'm here!"

as Taka wrapped his arm around him, he felt at ease, and a smile slowly crept up on his face

"Yeah...............yeah! I shouldn't have let my nervousness get the better of me. I promise to be there for you too, Taka!"

"Good for you, Chihiro!"

As Taka extended his hand out, Chihiro felt a feeling of importance, knowing that one of the smartest people he knew saw him as a friend

"Thank you, Taka!"

"Your welcome, Chihiro!"

As the two friends exchanged hands, they felt a deep friendship. Under all of their power, they would not let each other die in this game

**So, the prologue is finished! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading. I'll likely have part 1 of chapter 1 out by tomorrow if my day goes well. I plan on separating each chapter into 4 parts. 2 are daily life, and 2 are investigation and trial. Anyways, have a nice day, stay hydrated, and stay tuned**

Danganronpa - Second Chance (V)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें