Chapter 2 - Trial part 1

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Just like last time, everyone was quite quiet, and avoided eye contact, knowing that one of them killed Sakura

Taka: "Alright, everybody! I know this is hard, but we need to focus! If we just stand here doing nothing, then we won't find out who killed Sakura!"

Rantaro: "Taka is right. We need to get down to business-"

Ibuki: "To defeat the Huns!?"

Rantaro: "To find who killed her"

Ibuki: "Oh................yeah, that too"

Chihiro: "Sakura..................I will avenge you here!"

Non Stop Debate

Rantaro: "So what do we know so far?"

Nagito: "Sakura was knocked out by some unknown source"

Mahiru: "and the culprit was able to lift her up to the ceiling, and tie her with the chain"

Byakuya: "And then, after the chains choked her out, the culprit zipped up the punching bag, making everyone believe that Monokuma filled it back up overnight"

"There is something wrong with that conclusion. I gotta give light to it"

Rantaro: "So what do we know so far?"

Nagito: "Sakura was knocked out by some unknown source"

Mahiru: "and the culprit was able to lift her up to the ceiling, and tie her with the chain"

"No, that's wrong!"

Chihiro: "I don't think so. There was evidence that the culprit used an outside source to get Sakura upside down"

Mahiru: "Oh? What evidence"

Chihiro: "A machine that can allow someone top move another person, even when they are knocked out"

Hiyoko: "Huh?"

Chihiro: "In the nurses office, Nekomaru, Byakuya, Miu and I found instructions for a machine that can do exactly that"

Sayaka: "Wait a minute, could that machine possibly be-"

Chihiro: "Yes. The one we found in the pool area"

"I have my doubts"

Rantaro: "Chihiro, if the culprit used this machine you speak of, why wasn't it back on the rack that it was originally on? Your logic makes sense, but has a few holes in the conclusion"

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Rantaro: "Chihiro, if the culprit used this machine you speak of, why wasn't it back on the rack that it was originally on? Your logic makes sense, but has a few holes in the conclusion"

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