Chapter 3 - Trial part 2

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Chihiro: "Hiyoko? It was you, wasn't it?"

Hiyoko: "Huh?"

Taka: "Hiyoko?"

Chihiro: "She is a likely suspect. Her head is probably small enough to fit it"

Hiyoko: "You think it's me?! You got a pretty small head, too, ya know!"

Rantaro: "She has a point. How do we know you aren't the culprit, Chihiro? Nobody could really back up your statement"

Taka: "Actually, I have a solution to this!"

Taka then revealed he was holding the goggles

Chihiro: "You brought the goggles?"

Taka: "Yes! I did in case we needed them"

Ibuki: "Wow! Taka the savior!"

Taka then gave the goggles to Chihiro, who attempted to but them on

Chihiro: "Ugh, they don't fit"

Taka: "See! That proves Chihiro's innocence"

Nagito: "Couldn't she just have adjusted it so it fit Hiyoko?" 

Mahiru: "I don't think there was enough time during the blackout to do that"

Tenko: "Also, how would she know Hiyoko's exact head size?"

Rantaro: "I suppose that's true"

Hiyoko: "You guys don't even know if it even fits me!"

Ryoma: "We should test that then"

Sayaka: "If it fits her, then we know Hiyoko definitely did it"

Hiyoko took the goggles and shakily put them on. they fit perfectly

Rantaro: "They now we know who killed Nekomaru"

Hiyoko: "Fine.....................................I did it.....................I killed him"

Nagito: "So the truth comes out"

Mahiru: " didn't have to kill him...........................why?"

Hiyoko: "I did kill Nekomaru.......................and I also killed Byakuya"

Mahiru: "Huh?"

Chihiro: "Wait a second................your admitting to it that fast?"

Hiyoko: "Might as well. It would drag this trial out too long"

Taka: "I can't believe this.........................she killed both of them? You didn't need to kill Nekomaru if you killed Byakuya"

Chihiro: "Exactly! I don't think she actually did it"

Rantaro: "What do you mean? Are you a fool? She admitted to it right there"


Monokuma: "Well well well. Seems all of you heathens are turning on each other again I say this calls for another wonderful segment of SCRUUUUM DEBAAAAAAAAAAATE"

Monokuma once again pushed the button, and each pillar floated up, but this time, there was no separate pillar away from the others, and it was perfectly split in the middle

Scrum Debate

Hiyoko killed Byakuya

Hiyoko didn't kill Byakuya

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