Chapter 4 - Trial part 2

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"Could it really be you?"

Chihiro: " couldn't be.............It can't be......"

Rantaro: "I am the one who knows who killed Tenko.................It indeed, was Ibuki"

Ibuki: "EH!?!?!?"

Chihiro: "I don't want to believe it, but.................she is a likely candidate........."

Ryoma: "As much as that seems unlikely, she did go into the room where Tenko's body was"

Taka: "C-Could she really have?"

Hiyoko: "Even I kinda doubt it. She's pretty cheerful"

Nagito: "Ibuki, Huh? I guess that kinda makes sense"

Due to this new revelation, everyone began speaking all at once, not able to make out what each other was saying until....


All eyes were directed towards Chihiro, as he shouted to gain their attention

Chihiro: "Everyone......calm down.....the only way we can get through this is if we all work this out. Ibuki clearly is the prime suspect, but you are innocent until proven guilty, and I plan on proving that she is in fact, innocent"

Rantaro: "I think you are forgetting the part where I was in Tenko's body, so I know who killed her. It was Ibuki"

Chihiro: " do we know you aren't covering up the real murderer"

Rantaro: "That's the thing. You really don't. you could either pursue a different answer or trust mine"

Chihiro: "I believe that Ibuki is innocent. She would never murder"

Chihiro: "Ibuki didn't do it................I need to figure out how..............Ryoma saw her go into the room in Nagito's body, and never come back out......what if.........."

What happened to Ibuki when she entered the room

1. She was knocked out

2. She met up with the culprit

3. She discussed the plan with Rantaro

"This is the answer!"

Chihiro: "Taka......remember when we found that crate.....there were medical supplies in it, right?"

Taka: "Indeed. Why do you ask?"

Chihiro: "Didn't you say there was Chloroform in it?"

Taka: "You're right! hat makes sense now!"

Ryoma: "So Rantaro pushed that crate all the way to that room so he could use Chloroform on anybody who walked in?"

 Chihiro: "I suppose.....maybe that's what happened to Ibuki......."

Rantaro: "If it was..........why didn't she say so? I believe she would have remembered"

Taka: "Good point, but I remember examining the Chloroform bottle, and the side effects if used on a person included memory loss"

Rantaro: "It did? hm, that's not usually a side effect, but whatever.............I guess Ibuki could possibly be innocent.........unless"

Chihiro: "Unless?"

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