Chapter 6 - Daily life (Beginning of The End)

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Chihiro woke up to the sound of explosion going off, which immediately woke him up. Scrambling out of bed, he runs out, and knocks on Taka's door, checking if he's okay. When he doesn't answer, he checks on everyone else, but gets no answer from their doors. Looking around a bit more, he finds Monokuma on the stairs

"Monokuma? What's going on?"

"Oh, uh.........................nothing, nothing! Just some..................renovations!"

Monokuma was somehow visibly sweating. Something was making him nervous

"Monokuma, where is everyone else"

"They're in the lunch room. Just go see them, okay! Nothing to see here!"

"Are you not going to let me upstairs?"

"No, because there are some renovations going on!"

"You told me that. What's really happening up there"

"It's like I told you! Anyway, go meet up with your friends before I feel the urge to kill you!"

Chihiro backed away, and swiftly made his way to the Cafeteria to see the other four standing around

"What are you guys doing here?"

Taka walked towards him

"Monokuma told us to come in here. he said there are renovations going on"

"He said the same to me. There is something going on up there"

Ibuki and Hiyoko slumped in their seats

"Ibuki wanted to go to the third floor to find fun outfits"

"So did I. I also wanted to see if the bottles on the top floor had anything in them"

Taka rolled his eyes at the two. Rantaro soon got up and started walking out. Taka grabbed his arm

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the second floor. Clearly it's something there, or Monokuma wouldn't be at the stairs, and he'd be higher up. I'm seeing what he's hiding from us"


Rantaro broke free of Taka's grip and walked out, with Taka following behind. Chihiro saw this as an opportunity to get some answers, so he followed. Hiyoko and Ibuki also got up and followed. Once Rantaro got to the stairs, he pushed past Monokuma and began going up the stairs


As Monokuma followed Rantaro, the rest of the students followed him up to the 2nd floor. they arrived to see Rantaro looking in the workout room. A strange blue glow was faintly showing. As the rest of them went over, they saw a giant hole blown in the side of the room, a black void with blue lines were seen. Chihiro was tempted to get closer, but stayed back in case it was a vacuum. 

"What...................................what is that?!"

Monokuma, who was still sweating somehow, had to answer

" shouldn't have happened this soon.................................Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I'll tell you. So, this's breaking apart...............there is............................a force attacking, trying to break you out"

"Break us out?! We can finally leave?!"

Everyone looked excited, besides Rantaro, who was melancholy

"Hell no! They're destroying the place! THey think I have you in some secure location! They'll just destroy you all!!!"

Taka stood closer to the gaping hole

"What makes you so sure?"

The hole then suddenly grew larger, with an explosion almost knocking Taka into the void before Ibuki caught him


"Then.....................what do we do?!"

"Hm........................I'll be willing to let you all in the trial room for our safety.......................if you grab a few things on each floor for me!"

"...............What kind of things?"

"Let me explain! On the first floor, there should be a USB drive, on the second floor, here, there is a camera, on the third floor, there is a Nintendo Gamecube Controller, on the fourth floor, there is a bottle of pills, and on the fifth floor...........there is a laptop. Now, go! Get them before they are destroyed!"

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