Chapter 1 - Finale (Goodbye Kokichi and Angie)

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As everyone stood where they were, Sayaka was beyond astonished as to what she just saw

"W-w-what!? Something that brutal!?"

Sakura pated her shoulder

"Sadly...........this will just be our situation for a while until we find a solution

Everyone except of course Monokuma was feeling exceptionally down


As quickly as he sealed Angie's fate, Monokuma quickly disappeared once again. Rantaro spoke up to shatter the silence

"Alright everyone. Despite that brutality, we need to keep our composure, especially now that we know that people are willing to kill."

Taka quickly gained his composure and stoood next to him

"He's right. Now more than ever we need to band together and make sure this doesn't happen again, okay?"

Despite everyone's distress, they all nodded, and got on the elevator, back up to the main school area, completely silent, knowing one less of them was able to leave.

Chihiro was laying down, finishing up some code he was working on when he heard a knock on his door. Once he opened it, he saw Taka standing on the other side

"Oh, hey Taka!"

"Hello Chihiro. It seems since the motive was acted upon, the doors are unlocked at night"

"Yeah........................sad we weren't able to have that party"

"Oh, that's what I came here to tell you! Sakura told me to tell you that we will still be having that tomorrow, to try to relieve the stress that everyone is going through"

"Oh..........that's nice. Since Angie know, I guess I'm off of supplies duty?"

"Yes. You will be helping decorate. I will get you tomorrow morning so we can get started, alright?"

"Sounds good! See you then, Taka!"

"No problem Chihiro. Hey, I promise I won't let you be cornereed like what happened today, alright?"

"Thank you, Taka. I guess you could say-"

Before Chihiro could continue, Taka knew immediately what he was going to say

"It's a promise between men!"

As the two parted ways and went to sleep, a figure was was hiding around the corner, watching the two

"So Chihiro's a boy? Well................that makes things a lot more interesting"

And that's it for chapter 1! I know this was a rocky start, and could have been way better, but I promise this next chapter will be much more compelling. Anyway, I hope you all have a nice dy. I plan on taking a few days of hiatus, and return to this fanfic on the 16th. Anyways, I hope Ya'll have a great day, and I'll see you then. Stay hydrated, and stay tuned!

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