Chapter 3 - Daily life part 2 (suspicion amongst friends)

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The next morning, Chihiro went to the dining hall, and saw most of everyone looking at the bulletin board that Monokuma put up. He squeezed through the crowd and found each motive posted on it, with no names next to them.

1. Once a murder happens, the blackened may choose up to 10 pieces of evidence to be disposed of

2. Once a murder happens, the blackened will receive 5 wishes

3. When a murder happens, the blackened will choose a past participant to bring back to life as a replacement. No need for a trial!

4. During voting, the blackened's vote will count as 10 votes

5. If the blackened gets away with it by the end of the trial, they may choose 1 other participant to take with them

6. Once a murder happens, the blackened will immediately be revealed, and everyone will survive with no trial

7. During the trial, Monokuma will provide a piece of evidence that is false, and will steer away the truth

8. Once a murder happens, the blackened may plant false evidence to incriminate someone else

9. Once a murder happens, he blackened may choose someone to die in place, avoiding any trial, and getting right to their execution

10. If the blackened gets away with the crime, they may stay after the trial to become Monokuma's right hand

11. If the blackened gets away with murder, the secret of the school will be revealed

12. Once a murder occurs, the blackened's greatest enemy will be punished in front of them

A.N. - There is a certain pattern to the order that I wonder if you can figure out

Chihiro looked down the list. Several of these where terrifying to think about, but most took effect before the trial, and were rather circumstantial. Taka then went to the center of the crowd

"Attention, people! I would like to disperse any suspicion by stating what my motive is! Mine is-"

"How do we know you aren't about to lie?"

Everyone turned to Rantaro, who eyed Taka down

"Despite how you seem, the only people who seem to truly know you are Chihiro and Sayaka. Telling everyone what your motive possibly is will cause even more suspicion, since if you aren't lying, the one who actually has it will know."

After Rantaro's speech, everyone shifted their eyes away from each other. Eventually, everyone funneled out, leaving Chihiro and Taka alone

"I..................I was going to be truthful"

Chihiro turned to him

"You can tell me. You promise you will be telling the truth?"

"Yes. I promise. My motive is the third one. If I murder, I can choose to bring Kokichi, Angie, Sakura, or Miu back to life."

"I see. Mine is the second one. If I kill, I get five wishes that Monokuma will grant"

"Interesting. I do hope we can find out who's motive is who's"

"Yeah. Anyway, we should probably go our separate ways for now"


After that exchange, Taka and Chihiro once again went their separate ways. Once again, Chihiro, Tenko, and Nekomaru went about their daily training. Chihiro was getting even better, his arms getting slowly more muscular. He even was able to get to 30 pushups at one point. As they days past, and Chihiro was at his desk, tapping away at his laptop, he heard a knock on his door, and found Mahiru on the other end.

"Oh, hello Mahiru!"

"Hey Chihiro! So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with a bunch of us tonight."

"Tonight? Uh, sure! What are we doing?"

"You'll see"

Mahiru then grabbed Chihiro's arm and dragged him along to the third floor, and near the entrance of the sauna. There, Chihiro saw exactly why she dragged him along. There was a few others there. Sayaka, Hiyoko, Ibuki, and Tenko. Hiyoko recoiled in disgust

"Why is she here!?"

"Quiet Hiyoko! We invited her to this gathering because she is one of us! We are having a girls night in the sauna!"

"G-girls night!? In the sauna!?!?!"

"Yeah! Something wrong with that?"

"Um..............well..................I don't really feel very comfortable around a large crowd of girls, honestly. It makes me feel insecure"

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry. I didn't take that possibility into account. You don't have to join us."

"No..........It's fine. I guess I'll join you. As long as nobody..............reveals things"

"Okay! We can promise you that!"

A couple disappointed grumbles came from two girls in the group. While Chihiro couldn't be sure, they both sounded like they came from Ibuki and Tenko. Eventually, the group entered the sauna, and went to their own separate stalls to change. Chihiro's nervousness is what made him take so long to finish changing. He came out of the stall with a towel wrapped around both his hips and chest area, as to not expose his secret. After a couple hours of a very awkward sauna session, Chihiro went to his room and passed Byakuya...............well, the one he believed was Byakuya

"Hello Chihiro"

", what should I call you, again?"

"Let's just keep it as Byakuya for now"

"Okay. What are you doing out?"

"Oh, just a nightly patrol Taka and I agreed to do nightly. A few minutes ago, we both saw someone dashing through the hallways, but we were not sure who it was. Where were you just coming from?"

"I'd...........rather not talk about it............tonight was kinda awkward"

"I see. Well, have a nice night. I hope you have a good sleep"

"You too, Byakuya. See you in the morning"

"I will be patrolling for likely another hour. After that, I will be going to sleep. See you tomorrow"

Chihiro then walked into his dorm and fell right asleep, exhausted after that rather stressful experience in the sauna.

The next morning, Chihiro woke up and noticed that he woke up way later than usual, so he quickly got dressed, and walked towards the door. Before he could gab the doorknob, he heard something. The monitor chimed a familiar tune that gave Chihiro a feeling of dread

Ding Dong Bing Bong

A body has been discovered! Everyone, please make your way to the computer lab!

Chihiro then rushed out the door, and to the computer lab. Curious and scared as to who it is, he opened the door to find three figures staring down at something.

In the middle of the room was the dead body of Byakuya Togami, laying on his back

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