Chapter 3: Dropping off Dil

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"We're here!" Phil said turning to look at Dil in the back seat. I watched as the back door swung open and a small boy burst out. "Yay!" He cried running around the grass. Phil climbed out and unzipped Dil's Pokèmon backpack. "Here," he said. "You'll need your lunch." He placed the paper bag into the pack. "Thanks papa!" He got onto his tip-toes and kissed Phil on the cheek, Phil kissed him back and Dil rushed over to me. He strained to reach me, so I crouched down. He hugged me and I whispered something into his ear. "Good job my sweet boy, I'm so proud of you." He smiled a cute toothless smile and left my arms. Phil and I began to walk him to the front. When we reached the entrance, a line was already formed of small kids waiting to go in. Dil gave us one last hug and ran over to join them. I stood for a moment and watched as he began to walk in, already talking to another boy with a Sonic the Hedgehog backpack. Wow, he was already more social than me! Suddenly a man walked over to me. "Hey." He said. "Which ones yours?" I looked over to the man. Why was he talking to me? "The one with the black license t-shirt and Pokèmon backpack." He smiled and looked over to Dil. "Where's your wife? Not being nosey, or anything." I became uncomfortable. "Erm..." I groaned. Than Phil walked over. "Hey Dan, we're leaving." He grabbed my arm and I was pulled off. The man's eye's grew wide as he realized what just happened. Phil lead me to the car and we both got in. "Hey Phil?" I asked. Phil turned his attention towards me. "Yes?" "What if Dil doesn't make any friends at school?" I looked off out of the window and into the distance. "Well, Dan, he was already talking to someone," he sighed, then smiled. "But if anything, maybe we can get him a pet?" "After school?" I asked. "After school."

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