Chapter 16: Prom

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Dil was going to prom. It was crazy to think about, but he was. It felt like only yesterday he was coming into the pet store or helping Phil win a squid from the fall festival. He looked so handsome in his suit. He was going with Tabitha, they had been dating for a while now. "Dad!" Dil yelled, rushing down the stairs. I looked over an saw him, suit and all. "Yeah?" I asked. He rushed over to me. "My tie straight?" I nodded and adjusted it. "It is now." Dil nodded. "Great! Thanks Dad." The door belle rang and he rushed off. When he opened the door, Tabitha stood there in a shimmering crystal blue dress. It shimmered in the slowly fading light from the sun, that was beginning to slip behind the house like an eggs running yellow yolk. Her ebony hair was put up and a blue flower was in it. "You look," Dil paused. "Stunning." Tabitha blushed. "Thanks Dil." Dil pulled her in for a hug and they both laughed cutely. I cringed and walked into the living room where Phil was sitting watching anime. "Can I watch?" Phil nodded. He was watching Food Wars, an anime with loads of nakedness. "Dad." Dil said, walking in and staring confused at the screen. "Um," he said. Phil quickly shut off the TV screen. "Yes son?" I asked. Close one. "Can you take the picture?" He asked, I nodded and he walked down the hall. "Oh, and Papa, I saw what you were watching." Phil blushed and I laughed. He pushed me over on the couch and I picked myself up laughing hysterically. "Let's go Daniel," Phil said, picking himself up from the couch. "Let's go take that picture for Dil." We both walked into the hall near the door and had Dil and Tabitha pose by the door. "Okay, smile." I said, snapping the photo. "Great! I got it." I handed the camera back to Dil and we told him good bye. He pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear. "Thanks Dad. I love you to the moon and back." I felt my throat choke up and I smiled happy tears out of my eyes. "Bye Dil, I love too." I said as they left. Phil looked at me as we both turned back towards the couch to continue anime. "You look like you've been crying Bear." He said softly, wiping a tear off my cheek. "I'm just so proud. I can't believe he's already going to prom." Phil smiled, and I saw his beautiful blue eyes sparkle. He got onto his tip toes and pulled me in for a kiss. It was wonderful, I loved my Lion so much. He pulled away and looked at me again, holding my face ever so gently. "Dil may grow older and leave the house and start his own family, but I'll always have you and you'll always have me, Daniel." I smiled and pulled him back in for a hug. "Thanks Phillip."

Dil's POV:

Tabitha and I drove to the school in my Dad's car. She didn't seem to mind since both of were just happy to be together. We arrived at the school's front and I opened up he door for her. She took my arm and I led her into the school. "I'm just so excited Dil!" Tabitha said, jumping a little. I smiled happily. "Yeah, me too." We walked into large room filled with flashing lights and ear deafening music. "So!" I yelled. "What is new with you!" Tabitha gave me a confused look. "You have to take a poo?!" I shook my head. This was useless, dang loud music always blocking conversation! Just then, Luke came over smiling. "Hey guys! Have you tried the punch yet? It's really good!" He yelled, desperately trying to be heard over the pounding dubstep that was playing. I rolled my eyes, see what I mean? Impossible to be heard. "No!" I screamed back. "Not  yet, I will though!" Luke nodded, and took another long sip of his drink. Just then, a tall boy walked over with two others behind him wearing identical suits. "Hey there Dil-do." He laughed at his own joke, and I ignored him. "Seen any hot guys here at prom yet? Any you wanna make out with?" I kept ignoring him, but Tabitha chimed in. "Actually, Dil is my prom date. So you all can buzz off and leave him alone." Tabitha locked her hand into mine. Greg, who had been bullying me now as long as I could remember, scoffed. "Oh, I see how it is. You asked your friend that's a girl, got it. Now it all makes sense, thanks for clearing that up for me." He then walked off. "What an idiot." Luke said, with his arms crossed. I nodded. "But let's not let him ruin our night!" I smiled, all my friends agreed and we walked off to enjoy prom.

A/N: Heyyoo peoples! Sorry, that was weird. Anywho, thanks for reading this chapter!! I'm sorry I haven't updated this one for a while, I just needed to think of ideas for the story. Anyways, have a great fantastical day friends!! ;)

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