Chapter 4: The pet store

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We all walked the streets of London. Dil was holding Phil's hand leading him into a pet store. We walked in and saw various animals. I sat on a stool in the corner checking Tumblr, while Phil and Dil ran excitedly around the shop. "Okay Dily!" I heard Phil say. "You can pick any animal in this shop!" I perked up and looked over to where they were stood. "Within' reason." I stated firmly. Phil smiled and looked to Dil. "Within' reason." Dil wandered off and Phil came over to the stool that I was sat on. "Phil," I asked. "Why may I ask are you letting Dil pick the pet?!" Phil smiled, now looking off over to where Dil was playing with a goldfish. "I don't know, Dan. I just feel like, like this is gonna be such a big deal for him!" I smiled. Dil looked so happy here, smiling, running around, playing with animals. It looked like he was the happiest he'd been in awhile. Suddenly, Dil came back over to where we were seated. "Daddy, Papa!" He yelled, smiling his missing teeth smile. "I think I found what I want!" He grabbed our hands and lead us to a hamster cage. "Here!" He pointed. Phil looked at Dil, than at me. "Nice choice, Dil." Phil said unsurely. I sighed. Ever since the Phandom, I never thought of hamsters the same again. "Um, Dil." I said. "Maybe you could, look at something else?" Dil looked confused. "What Dan's trying to say is," Phil stated, sweetly. "What if it dies? Hamsters don't live that long." Dil looked up to Phil, his eyes wide with the same innocence that they both had. "Well than we can buy one every month." Dil suggested and with that I grabbed Phil and Dil's hands and left the shop saying, "Nope, nope, nopiety,!"

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for such a short chapter. Hope you enjoyed! See you in the next chapter.

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