Chapter 6: Dinner Conversations

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We all sat at the table in complete silence, well except for the every so often sounds that Dil would make as he played with his food. "Dil," I said looking up from my cooked asparagus. "Please don't play with your food." Dil set his fork down and sighed. "Dad?" He asked looking over to me. "Is it normal to have two daddy's?" I was stunned, my heart stopped. I looked over to Phil, he was pushing up his glasses and his eyes were wide with shock. "Why do you ask?" Phil finally said. "Well," Dil stated, now resuming to play with his food. "A boy, Charles, at my school told me that he has a mommy and a daddy. When I told him I had two daddy's, he thought I was weird. Is it weird to have two daddy's?" Phil set his fork down on the plate and it made a clank. "Dilly, kids can be mean. Just don't listen to them, and of course having two daddy's isn't weird." I decided now would be a good time to chime in. "Plus, when you have to awesome daddy's!" Phil rolled his eyes. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Daniel!" He said. "You know I love you!" I smiled, as I looked into his deep, sea foam, blue eyes. "Dads! Stop it!" Dil exclaimed putting his hands to his eyes. I sat back down and resumed to what I had been doing. "But, is this normal? Having two dads? The kids at school don't have that." Dil pouted. I hated to see him sad, so did Phil. Phil stood up and walked over to Dil. He extended a hand and placed it on his shoulder. "Dil, you're gonna run into people like that your whole life, but what they don't understand is this. Love come in many forms, no matter how small or tall. Woman or man. Love is love, and sexuality doesn't matter." He smiled and kissed Dil's head. I smiled and thought about Phil's words. Love was love, and sexuality doesn't matter. I loved Phil, and that mattered. That mattered the most.
A/N: Hello everyone! How was the chapter? I thought I would have Phil say some sweet things to Dil, and let's be honest we all wanted some Phan kissing! ;) Anywho, tell me what you thought! Ttyl.

Is this normal? || Phan + DilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora