Them reacting to when you pin them against the wall

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Gi-Hun - My man's turned into a fuckin' radish when you pinned him but took a deep breath he shakily answered "O-Oh ho what are you thinking of Y/N?" You answered that he needed to learn how to fucking act-

Sang-Woo - sang-woo.ex has stopped working. Please try again later. He just stared at you for a whole ass 30 seconds then looked down face still red af. After a minute or so it just became to much for him and with a heavy heart he asked you to let him go which you did. We all know your gonna tease him about it in the future.

Ali Abdul- He peered at you quite confused for a moment then his eyes went so fucking wide when he realized. But then he 'knew' you weren't like this so he just tried pulling an innocent smile (which looked much more like a grimace)
"Y/N heh erm what exactly are you doing?" You stared at him for a moment before internally shattering and wrapping your arms around him bursting into laughter.

Sae-Byeok - Just pushed you away and told you not to do that again with a beet red face.

Ji-Yeong - She patted your shoulder a light blush plastered across her face as she sarcastically asked if it was getting hot in here. SHE PULLED AN UNO REVERSE CARD ON YOU AHA-

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