Salesman Catchup

439 13 11

Who Said I Love you first - He did :]

When you pin them against the wall - Boner town :D But honestly I feel like his first thought is "Hold up I'm supposed to do that-"

A favorite song for the both of you - Everybody Talks - Neon Trees (Might not be that accurate but I'm in a rush on writing this in case mother dearest catches me online)

If you yell at them all of a sudden - He just raises his eyebrow then he just slowly walks out of the room just in case you wanna be alone.

If you come out to them - "Wait you didn't tell me before?" You were confused at first but then he explained how he already knew :D

If you randomly hug them - He jumps but then smiles and pats your shoulder.

PDA on a scale of 1/10 : 8/10 yeah he's pretty much all over you. Mans wouldn't give a damn about what people are thinking. He would fucking have a make out with you. I mean c'mon his job is to slap people in the face while playing ddakji.

How worried are they of you : 3/10 he knows you can take care of yourself. So he doesn't really worry :]

A/N you didn't see me update this was just an illusion-

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