If You Come Out To Them

665 20 18

A/N first of all happy coming out day! Second of all love you guys and have a great day :))

Gi-Hun - "Wait what? Wow- I congrats! Thanks for telling me!" He's like hella sweet about it. He's like hella proud of you but if you came out as non-binary he sometimes might forget and accidentally use he or her on you. Most of the time though he identifies you correctly. Expect him to call you his 'lover' a crap ton instead of using boyfriend or girlfriend.

Sang-Woo - "I thought you were American-" /j

So jokes aside he was confused for a moment since he doesn't really get into LGBTQIA and stuff like that but when he realized he smiled at you and hugged you saying that he's proud of you. Although just because your a part of that community doesn't mean he's gonna treat you any differently than he already does. But lemme tell you he's hella supportive.

Ali - "What does being (insert sexuality / gender) mean. You've gotta explain it to him ;-;. "Ohh so it's normal to have a crush on boys I thought it was just me." "Wha-?" He realized what he said and said that he used to be into that person but he's still into you :) (Most likely he was into Sang-Woo /hj)

Sae-Byeok - (wait why did my font on writing change all of a sudden wtf) "Damn same here." She isn't surprised 😌 she's still proud of you though. But not surprised

Ji-Yeong - "WAIT WHAT SAME" Like Sae—Byeok she's LGBTQ to 😌

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