If they're like helping take care of kids or smthing idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Gi-Hun - *inhuman screeching and waving arms like a fucking pterodactyl while lighting something on fire with the kids*

Sang-Woo - *mentally screaming* "Guys Guys calm down it's time to help with lunch!"

Ali - Actually I think he would be quite good at it! He might need an assistant or something but apart from that he's the fucking best at it.

Sae-Byeok - *insert this is fine meme while turning towards you (if your there)* "Trying to take care of screaming kids was not what I was planning today."

Ji-Yeong - "Well I mean it can't be that bad! WAIT (insert kids name) DONT YOU DARE HOLD THAT KNIFE UP TO (insert other kids name) THATS NOT SAFE- I DONT CARE IF YOUR PLAYING."

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